How many courses does the student have the right to take from a different department/university/institute?


They can also choose a maximum of two courses in a program from graduate courses offered at another institute with different programs or at other higher education institutions in Turkey and abroad. In the adjustment process of these courses, one course is evaluated as maximum 3 credits.

If a student fails to renew his/her registration for a semester, will his/her student rights continue in the following semester? In which cases cannot a student certificate be obtained?


Students who do not renew their registration cannot benefit from student rights (military service deferment, student certificate, registration freeze and similar) for that semester. If they are not in the case of deregistration, they can continue their education in the following semester.

How many courses can a student choose at most in a semester?


Students can choose a maximum of 15 credits and 1 course can be maximum 3 credits.

At which stage is the registration for the specialization course and thesis study courses carried out?


Course opening, course selection, course selection, course addition period specified in the academic calendar.

Can the student take the failed course again? Can he choose another course instead?


The student can take the failed course from the bottom in the following semester if he/she has not passed the course period.

When are postgraduate students appointed as advisors?


With the decision of the Academic Board of the Department, the advisor is appointed at the first Graduate School Executive Board Meeting following the end of the registration period.

Is it possible to graduate from master's programs with thesis before the deadline?


The course period in the Master's degree cannot be less than 2 semesters, except for the case of time reduction, and the thesis study cannot be less than two semesters.

How many courses / credits / ECTS are required to graduate from a master's program with thesis?


Must take 7 courses, 21 credits, 120 ECTS.

How many people make up the master's thesis jury?


It consists of 3 essential and 2 alternative jury members.

In which semester should seminar presentations be made at the latest?


According to the Academic Calendar, it is compulsory to give the seminar until the end of the 4th semester.

From which period are we subject to fee payments?


PhD students are subject to semester tuition starting from the 9th semester and master's students from the 5th semester.

What should students who want to count the courses they have taken as special students or in previous graduate programs do?


Adjustment can be made with the recommendation of the Academic Board of the Department and the decision of the Graduate School Executive Board.

Is it possible to stop studying for any reason?


Students who cannot continue their education and training due to illness, birth, natural disasters, military service and official assignment abroad and similar reasons can be suspended with the decision of the institute board of directors if they apply with a document proving their excuse.

Is there a GPA requirement for passing to the thesis stage of the master's program?


For master's programs, a minimum score of 2.50 (CB 66-72) is required.

What happens if the thesis is rejected after correction?(Master's Degree)


The student whose thesis is decided to be corrected must re-defend the corrected thesis in front of the same jury within three months at the latest. The student, whose thesis was unsuccessful and whose thesis was not accepted, was dismissed from the relevant program. The 3-month additional period does not count towards the maximum configuration period. (Master's Degree)

Is our diploma internationally recognized?


It varies according to the legislation regulating postgraduate education in each country and is recognized by being subject to equivalence.

Is it possible to do paid military service during doctoral education? Do we need to freeze our enrollment during this period?


There is no obstacle to military service during doctoral education; Registration freezing is carried out upon request.

At least how many interim report periods should be expected for the thesis defense?


The student can submit his or her first interim report in the semester following the acceptance of the thesis project. In order to take the Thesis Defense Exam, at least 3 interim reports must be submitted. But; If the training continues, an interim report must be submitted until the exam date.

What is the minimum and maximum number of years of doctoral studies?


It must be completed in a minimum of 4 years (8 semesters) and a maximum of 6 years (12 semesters).

How is the deregistration process done?


In case of expulsion from the university according to the relevant legislation

If he/she voluntarily requests the Institute to delete his/her registration from the program he/she is enrolled in, in writing.

In graduate programs, students who fail to meet the conditions specified in this Regulation will be dismissed from the relevant program.

How and when can I apply to your institute?


In the academic calendar https://selcuk.edu.tr/Birim/enstituler/saglik_bilimler_ens/1839/PressAll/duyurularYou can apply to our Institute between the dates listed below: alimi-ilani-18447. Before applications start, quotas and application conditions are announced on the Institute website. Within the specified date range, pre-registration application must first be made online.

Who consists of the doctoral thesis monitoring committee?


The thesis monitoring committee consists of three faculty members. In addition to the thesis advisor, the thesis monitoring committee includes one member from within and outside the Institute Department.

Who will be in my PhD qualification jury?


The qualification exam is organized and conducted by a five-person doctoral qualification jury. The proficiency exam jury includes at least two members from the Institute Department and at least two members from outside the Institute Department, at least one of whom is a faculty member working in the same or similar Department of another higher education institution.

Why is a plagiarism report required for thesis submission in PhD and Master's programs?


In accordance with the first article of the principles regarding the opening and execution of the graduate education curriculum, which was discussed and decided at the Higher Education General Assembly meeting dated 25.12.2014, titled D. Theses, "Before the graduate education theses are taken into defense, the plagiarism program report prepared by the relevant student is submitted", the plagiarism determination determined by our university. program (Turnitin/Urkund) reports must be submitted to our institute during the thesis submission.

Who will be my master's thesis defense jury?


The thesis defense jury is appointed with the recommendation of the thesis advisor and the Department Head and the decision of the Institute Board of Directors. The jury consists of three or five members, one of whom is your thesis advisor and at least one of whom is from another Department within the University or another higher education institution.

How long is the thesis/non-thesis master's education period?


Master's Program with Thesis is minimum 4 and maximum 6 semesters. Non-thesis master's degree is minimum 2 and maximum 3 semesters.

Is there a course attendance requirement in master's degree with/without thesis?


At least 70% attendance is compulsory in theoretical courses and at least 80% attendance is compulsory in practical and applied courses. Students who do not meet this requirement cannot take the final exam of that course. Student attendance is monitored by the instructor. In case of repetition of the courses and applications for which the attendance requirement has been fulfilled, the Institute Board determines whether the attendance requirement will be sought again.

At what stage is the registration for seminar / term project courses done?


By the end of the 4th semester, the seminar must be presented.In the semester in which the semester project course is taken, the student must register for the semester project course and submit a written project and/or report at the end of the semester. The semester project is non-credit and is evaluated as successful or unsuccessful.

How can a second thesis advisor be appointed?


In cases where the nature of the thesis study requires more than one thesis advisor, a second advisor may be appointed by the Graduate School Executive Board upon the recommendation of the advisor and the Academic Board of the Department.


Which documents should I submit for my PhD graduation?


Click https://selcuk.edu.tr/Birim/enstituler/saglik_bilimler_ens/1839/forms-and-documents/55114  Note: 4.14. Dismissal Certificate


What is the maximum number of semesters a student can be suspended?


If the excuse is repeated, there is no limit to the number of registration suspensions.

Can I enroll in another master's program during my doctoral education?


It is not possible to register for non-thesis master's degree program at the same time except for two programs.

When do you need to apply for a registration freeze?


After the reason for suspending registration is established, the suspension of registration must be carried out within the requested semester.

Is it possible to transfer from a master's program with thesis to a master's program without thesis?


A student whose thesis was rejected or rejected in his post-correction defense may be granted a non-thesis master's degree upon request, if there is a non-thesis master's degree program in that department. It fulfills the course credit load, project writing and similar requirements.

When is the earliest and latest period to take the qualifying exam in doctoral education?


The qualifying exam must be held in the 5th semester at the latest.

When are the PhD Qualifying exams held?


Doctoral qualification exams are held in October-November and April-May of each year.

Should the PhD Qualification written and oral exams be conducted together?


The doctoral qualification exam is held in two parts: written and oral. After the written exam results are determined, the student takes the oral exam. Additionally, those who fail the written part of the qualification exam cannot pass the oral exam. It is mandatory for the written and oral exams of the doctoral qualification exam to be held on the same day.

When can I submit a PhD Thesis proposal?


After completing the courses and seminar, the student who successfully passes the proficiency exam forms the Thesis Monitoring Committee within 1 month. Then, the student must submit his Thesis Project proposal within 6 months from the date of taking the Qualification exam. A thesis proposal cannot be given before the courses are completed.

When are the PhD thesis monitoring sessions held?


For the student whose thesis proposal is accepted, the thesis monitoring committee meets twice a year with an absolute majority. The student's thesis work is evaluated as "successful" or "unsuccessful" by the thesis monitoring committee.

What is the process for changing the advisor?


Applications of the advisor or student regarding the change of advisor are made to the Head of the Institute/Department. The request for change of advisor becomes final with the recommendation of the Department Academic Board and the decision of the Institute Board of Directors.

Can a candidate who has not yet met the English score requirement but whose exam result is expected apply for a PhD program?


Since the applications are made online and the data is received from YÖKSİS, the student must meet the language exam score requirement on the application date.

Is there a deadline for applying for course exemption?


The application must be made during the course opening and adding periods in the Academic Calendar.

What is the minimum foreign language score for a PhD application?


Candidates who will apply to the PhD program must have at least 55 points from YÖKDİL, YDS (English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese and Persian) or an equivalent score from an international exam accepted by the University. ÖSYM Board of Directors.

Can I Pre-register or Final Registration by mail?


Postal applications will not be taken into consideration.

What are the foreign language/ALES score requirements for graduate programs?


In accepting students for Thesis Master's Programs; At least 55 in the score type of the applied program or an equivalent ALES score accepted by the Interuniversity Board;

In accepting students for non-thesis master's programs; ALES score is not required for non-thesis master's programs.

For Doctoral (Post-Master's) Programs; At least 55 points from the score type of the program they are applying for or an equivalent ALES score accepted by the Interuniversity Board;

What are the requirements for registration?


You can find the requirements for being a student of the Institute of Health Sciences at https://selcuk.edu.tr/Birim/enstituler/saglik_bilimler_ens/1839


Can I transfer my registration to someone else?


Final registration can only be made through a notarized power of attorney and a person appointed by the student.

When and where to pay the fee?


Tuition fee payment is made at the beginning of the Fall and Spring semesters specified in the academic calendar. You can pay your tuition fee at Vakıfbank branches with your student number between the registration renewal dates specified in the academic calendar.

How to register for a course?


Course registrations are made by the student at https://enstitu.selcuk.edu.tr/

 within the periods specified in the academic calendar. You can access Course Registration Procedures HERE. Course/semester registrations must be approved by students' advisors.

Where, when and how do we get our student ID cards?  


After you receive your student certificate from the Institute, you can personally collect your student card from the Information Technology Department Identity Office in the Institute building.

Do we have to come to the institute to get a transcript?


If you fill out the "Student Document Request Form" in the forms and documents section of the student menu on our website and attach the photocopy of the Student ID Card and send an e-mail to sagbil@selcuk.edu.tr; will be refunded.

Where are the student affairs?


Student Affairs is located on the 7th floor of the SU Graduate Schools Building.

Where and how can I access student forms?


You can access all forms related to our institute HERE.

How do I get my student e-mail address?


You can get an e-mail address by contacting the Department of Information Technologies. https://lisansustumailtalep.selcuk.edu.tr/ click here.

Can I transfer from a graduate program of another higher education institution to the program of your Institute?


Students who have completed at least one semester of a graduate program at a higher education institution outside the university and have been successful in all courses can be admitted to graduate programs opened at the university through transfer.

If I transfer from a non-thesis master's program to a master's program with thesis, will the duration of education change?


The time spent in the previous program of the student who transfers from a non-thesis program to a thesis program is included in the calculation of the education period.


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