Students in our department can study for up to two semesters through student exchange programs, according to the agreements made between Selçuk University and domestic and foreign higher education institutions. In line with the bilateral agreements between universities and the principles determined by the Council of Higher Education, students can benefit from the Farabi and Mevlana Exchange Programs in the country and the Erasmus Exchange Program abroad.
The Erasmus program is a European Union Student Exchange program that encourages higher education institutions to cooperate. ERASMUS; It provides free financial support for higher education institutions to produce and implement joint projects with each other and to conduct short-term student exchanges. ERASMUS also encourages increasing the relations and cooperation between higher education institutions and business environments to develop the higher education system in line with the needs of the business world and to increase the employability of university graduates in the business world.
The mission of our university is to develop a contemporary, innovative and sustainable international concept to achieve the goal of being among the top 500 universities in the world, to ensure efficiency in the mobility of our students, to support the dissemination of the Bologna process at our university, to increase the number and quality of joint events with universities and organizations in Europe, to promote our university internationally.
Selcuk University Erasmus Coordination Office, which adopts continuous innovation and quality culture as its principle, aims to participate in the European Higher Education area with a competitive university structure. For detailed information,
Our department has an Erasmus agreement with Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt university covering the years 2021-2027. We do not have any students registered in the Erasmus Exchange Programme.
Farabi Student Mobility Exchange Program increases interaction between higher education institutions and encourages student mobility. It aims to help our students search for information, transfer it to life, and share it. Because knowledge and skills will be enriched by sharing them in different academic environments, the Farabi Exchange Program significantly contributes to improving our students' education processes and achieving their future career goals. Student mobility realized through the Farabi Exchange Program, in addition to the individual contributions it provides to those who benefit from the program, paves the way for the expansion of cooperation and coordination opportunities between higher education institutions, increasing the quality of education and training processes through knowledge transfer, and enriching the culture of collaboration and research between different higher education institutions. Detailed information can be accessed at Within the Farabi exchange program, there is 1 student who came to our department from 19 Mayıs University in the last 5 years.
Mevlana Exchange Program is a program that aims to exchange students between higher education institutions providing education in Turkey and higher education institutions providing education abroad. With the Regulation published in the Official Gazette dated 23 August 2011 and numbered 28034, the way for student exchange was opened between higher education institutions abroad and higher education institutions in our country. Students who want to participate in the exchange program can benefit from the program by studying at higher education institutions worldwide for at least one and at most two semesters. Similarly, students from all regions of the world can come to higher education institutions in Turkey within the program's scope and participate in educational activities. More detailed information can be found at We do not have any students registered in the Mevlana Exchange Program.