Bölüm Faaliyet Raporları


Bölümümüzün (11 araştırmacı) son 5 yıldaki yayın durumu Scopus altyapısı kullanılarak elde edilmiş ve aşağıda detayları sunulmuştur;

  • Yayın sayısı: 462 (bir önceki dönem 277)
  • Yıllık ortalama yayın sayısı: 92.4
  • Araştırmacı başına yıllık yayın sayısı: 8.40
  • Toplam atıf sayısı: 1846 (Son 5 yıldaki atıf sayısı: 698)
  • Kongre- Sempozyum-Panel-Konferans-Seminer: 137

Toplamda 11 araştırmacı ilgili alanda son 5 yılda 462 yayın yapmıştır. Bölümümüzde yıllık ortalama yayın sayısı 92.4 olup araştırmacı başına yıllık yayın sayısı 8.40 olarak gerçekleşmiştir. Son 5 yıllık dönemde yapılan yayın sayısının bir önceki 5 yıllık döneme oranla % 60 artış sağladığı gözlenmektedir.

Toprak bilimi alanında çalışan ve Toprak Bilimi ve Bitki Besleme Anabilim Dalı Lisansüstü Programına katkı sağlayan öğretim üyelerimizin son 5 yıldaki yayın listesi aşağıda sunulmuştur.

Pandey, A. Khan, M. K. Isik, R. Turkmen, O. Acar, R. Seymen, M. Hakki, E. E. 2019. Genetic diversity and population structure of watermelon (Citrullus sp.) genotypes." 3 Biotech 9(210): 1-14.

Mehmet Hamurcu,  Derya Arslan,  Erdogan E. Hakki,  M. Musa Özcan, Anamika Pandey,  Mohd Kamran Khan,  Sait Gezgin, 2019. Boron application affecting the yield and fatty acid composition of soybean genotypes." Plant, Soil and Environment.

Sushkova, S. Minkina, T. Deryabkina, I. Rajput, V. Antonenko, E. Nazarenko, O. Yadav, B. K. Hakki, E. Mohan, D. 2019. Environmental pollution of soil with PAHs in energy producing plants zone." Science of the Total Environment 655: 232-241.

Ogutcen E., Pandey A., Khan M., Marques E., Penmetsa R., Kahraman A., von Wettberg E. Pod Shattering: A Homologous Series of Variation Underlying Domestication and an Avenue for Crop Improvement.  Agronomy.  doi.org/10.3390/agronomy8080137

Khan M. K., Pandey A., Choudhary S., Gulcan K., Khan S., Rustagi S., Thomas G., Hamurcu M., Gezgin S., Hakki E.E. Ethics in Publishing: An Opinion on its Importance. Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications. doi.org/10.21786/bbrc/11.1/1

Khan S., Rustagi S., Choudhary S., Pandey A., Khan M. K., Kumari A., Singh A. Sucralose and maltodextrin-An answer to low fat Sugar free ice-cream. Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications.  doi.org/10.21786/bbrc/11.1/19

Rustagi S, Khan S, Choudhary S, Pandey A, Khan M. K., Kumari A, Singh A. Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose and Whey Protein Concentrate as Technological Improver in Formulation of Gluten-free Protein Rich Bread. Curr Res Nutr Food Sci 2018; 6(1).

Santos P. A., Hakkı E. E., Atmaca E., Çetin U. K., Yılmaz F. G., Pandey A., Khan M. K., Gezgin S.  Biofertilizers: A Key Component in Improved Phosphorus Acquisition. International Scientific Conference "The Current State of Chernozem", 24 – 28 September, Rostov -on-Don, Russia.

Inanc M,. Khan M. K., Pandey A., Erkoyuncu M.T., Hamurcu M., Yorgancılar M., Hakkı E. E. Stevia: A New Generation Natural Sweetener. AGBIOL Conference. 2-5 September, Edirne, Turkey.

Santos P. A., Hakkı E. E., Atmaca E., Çetin U. K., Yılmaz F. G., Pandey A., Khan M. K., Gezgin S.  Using Biofertilizers to Improve P Uptake and Yield of Central Anatolian Originated Wheat Genotypes. 6th ASM International Congress of Agriculture and Environment, 11 – 13 October, Antalya, Turkey.

Pandey A., Khan M. K., Hakki E. E. Journey of Ancient Wheat to Today's Modern/ Contemporary Wheat: Role and Importance of Konya in its Expansion. International Green Capitals Congress. 8-12 Mayıs, Konya, Turkey.

Gulcan K., Gezgin S., Hamurcu M., Harmankaya M. Pandey A., Khan M.K., Hakki E. E. Kırsal Kesimin Refah Düzeyinin Arttırılmasında Kamu Kurumları ile Üniversite İşbirliğinin Önemi: Konya Büyükşehir Belediyesi Desteği ile Höyük Bölgesinde Bilinçli Çilek Yetiştiriciliği. Uluslararası Yeşilbaşkentler Kongresi’8-12 Mayıs, Konya, Turkey.

Hakki E. E., Hamurcu M., Ustun C., Avsaroglu Z.Z., Omay H., Gezgin S., Khan M. K., Pandey A. Changes in Reactive Oxygen Species in Roots of Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) genotypes with known Drought Tolerance Levels. 43rd FEBS Congress. 7-12 July, Prague, Czech Republic.

Khan M. K.,  Pandey A., Hamurcu M., Gezgin S., Topal A., Tamkoc A., Akgun N., Hakki E. E. Introgression of salt tolerance genes in Turkish wheat genotypes using marker-assisted backcross breeding. European Biotechnology Congress. 26-28 April, Athens, Greece.

Hamurcu M., Avsaroglu Z.Z., Ustun C., Omay H., Gezgin S., Hakki E. E., Pandey A., Khan M. K.  Antioxidant responses of Pumpkin Genotypes exposed to Drought Stress Conditions. European Biotechnology Congress. 26-28 April, Athens, Greece

Gulcan K., Gezgin S., Hamurcu M., Harmankaya M. Pandey A., Khan M.K., Hakki E. E. Physiological evaluation of iron deficiency reactions of different commercial strawberry genotypes. 7th International Congress on Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. April 25-27, Konya, Turkey.

Pandey A., Khan M. K., Hamurcu M., Topal A., Tamkoç A., Gezgin S., Gülcan. K., Akgun N.,  Santos P. A., Süslü H., Omay M.R., Akın F., İnanç M., Can H., Avşaroğlu Z. Z., Eken N., Omay A.H., Kayış S.A., Akkaya M.S., Bilgiçli N., Turker S. Hakki E.E., Triticum monococcum based genes as a source of salt tolerance in Turkish wheat genotypes. 21st European Biotechnology Congress. October 11-12, Moscow/Russia

Pamela Aracena Santos - Anamika Pandey - Mohd Kamran Khan - Kamer Gulcan - Hatice Suslu - Mehmet Hamurcu - Sait Gezgin - Zuhal Zeynep Avşaroğlu - Canan Ustun - Erdogan Hakki. Determining the Effect of Boron Toxicity on Strawberry Genotypes grown in Turkey International Agricultural, Biological and Life Science Conference 2 – 5 September, Edirne/ Turkey.

Anamika Pandey, Mohd Kamran Khan, Mehmet Hamurcu, Sait Gezgin, Erdogan E. Hakki, 2018. Physiological screening of wheat genotypes grown under boron stress. New Biotechnol; 44: S100-S100.

Mohd Kamran Khan - Anamika Pandey - Ali Topal - Kamer Gulcan - Hatice Suslu - Pamela Aracena Santos - Makbule Rumeysa Omay - Merve Inanc - Noyan Eken - ERDOGAN HAKKİ Utilization of Marker-Assisted Selection Method to Develop Salt Tolerant Wheat. International Agricultural, Biological and Life Science Conference 2 – 5 September, Edirne/ Turkey. 2018.

Mehmet Hamurcu, Erdogan E. Hakkı, Mohd Kamran Khan, Zeynep Zuhal Avsaroglu, Anamika Pandey, Ismail Kaya And Sait Gezgın «Effects of vermicompost applications on plant growth» International Scientific Conference "The Current State of Chernozem", 24 – 28 September, Rostov -on-Don, Russia.

Santos P. A., Pandey A., Khan M. K., Gezgin S., Hamurcu M., Atmaca E., Çetin U. K., Arisoy R. Z., Yılmaz F. G.,  Topal A., Nezir H., Hakkı E. E. Sustainable Innovation Technology: An Insight Into The Effective Use Of Biofertilizers In Improving Soil And Plant Quality. Mechanization in Agriculture, Vol. 64 (2018), Issue 5, pg(s) 162-164, PAPER

Kahraman A, Pandey A, Khan M.K., Lindsay D, Moenga S, Vance L, Bergmann E, Carrasquilla-Garcia N, Shin M-G, Chang PL, von Wettberg EJB, Tar’an B, Cook DR, Penmetsa RV. Distinct Subgroups of Cicer echinospermum Are Associated with Hybrid Sterility and Breakdown in Interspecific Crosses with Cultivated Chickpea. Crop Science. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2017.06.0335

Khan M. K., Pandey A., Akkaya M. S., Gezgin S., Hamurcu M., Hakki E. E. Wheat Biofortification – A Potential Key to Human Malnutrition. Journal of Elementology. doi: 10.5601/jelem.2016.21.4.1336

Zeybek A., Khan M. K., Pandey A., Gunel A., Erdogan O., Akkaya M. S. Genetic Structure of Powdery Mildew Disease Pathogen Blumeria Graminis F. sp. hordei in the Barley Fields of Cukurova in Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 26:906-912

Kahraman A, Pandey A, Khan M.K., Nutritional Diversity Assessment in Chickpea - A Prospect for Nutrient Deprived World. Harran Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 21 (3), 357-363.

Pandey A., Khan M. K., Hamurcu M., Gezgin S., Hakki E. E. Boron Toxicity Responses on Plant Model Species, Brachypodium distachyon. 18th International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (IPNC), 21 - 24 August, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Hamurcu M., Hakki E. E., Onbası S., Pandey A., Khan M. K., Gezgin S. Exogenous Nitric Oxide alleviates Boron Toxicity Effects on Two Turkish Barley Genotypes. 18th International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (IPNC), 21 - 24 August, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Khan M. K., Pandey A., Hamurcu M., Gezgin S., Hakki E. E. Turkish Bread Wheat Genotypes and their Nutrient Content – Prospective for Wheat Improvement. 18th International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (IPNC), 21 - 24 August, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Kahraman A., Pandey A., Khan M.K., Cakmak A., Aydin B., Berger J., Gayberi M.   Genetic Diversity Assessment of a Collection of Wild Chickpea Populations Aiming Towards Continuously Changing Environment. 17th International Scientific Conference “Sakharov Readings 2017: Environmental Problems of the XXIst Century” May 18-19, Minsk, Belarus.

Hakki E. E., Hamurcu M., Khan M. K., Pandey A., Avsaroglu Z.Z., Athar T.  Gezgin S. Changes in Free Radical Levels of Bread and Durum Wheat Genotypes under Salt Stress Conditions. 13th International Conference on Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species in Plants: Emerging Roles in Plant Form and Function. 10-13 September, Kuşadası/ Turkey

Hamurcu M., Hakki E. E., Pandey A., Khan M. K., Avsaroglu Z.Z., Gezgin S. Effects of Nitric Oxide Application on Free Radical Changes in Different Plant Species under Drought Conditions. 13th International Conference on Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species in Plants: Emerging Roles in Plant Form and Function. 10-13 September, Kuşadası/ Turkey.

Pandey A., Khan M. K., Hamurcu M., Gezgin S., Hakki E. E. Boron Deficiency Responses on Nutrients Composition in Brachypodium distachyon, a Model for Wheat. European Biotechnology Congress, 25 - 27 May, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Eken N., Gezgin S., Hamurcu M., Pandey A., Khan M.K., Hakki E.E., Effects of Biochar Application on Physiological Development of Dwarf Bean. International Conference on Agriculture, Forest, Food Sciences and Technologies, 15-17 May, Cappadocia, Turkey.

Khan M.K., Pandey A., Hamurcu M., Gezgin S., Akkaya M.S., Hakki E.E.,  Degradation of Natural Ecosystem -Effecting Zn in Soil, Plants and Human Body. National Academic Conference “United Health” March 30-31, Don State Technical University, Rostov-On-Don, Russia.

Santos P.A., Khan M.K., Pandey A. Hamurcu M., Gezgin  S., Sushkova S., Minkina T., Hakki E. E., Boron: Plants, Animals, and Emerging Technologies. National Academic Conference “United Health” March 30-31, Don State Technical University, Rostov-On-Don, Russia.

Hamurcu M., Santos P.A., Gezgin S., Pandey A., Khan M.K., Sushkova S., Minkina T., Hakki E.E., The Effects of Vermicompost in Providing Sustainability in Agricultural Lands. National Academic Conference “United Health” March 30-31, Don State Technical University, Rostov-On-Don, Russia.

Pandey A., Khan M. K., Hakki E. E, Thomas G., Hamurcu M., Gezgin S., Gizlenci O., Akkaya M. S., Assessment of Genetic Variability for Grain Nutrients from Diverse Regions: Potential for Wheat Improvement. SpringerPlus. doi: 10.1186/s40064-016-3586-2

Choudhary S., Pandey A., Khan M.K., Khan S., Rustagi S. and Thomas G. Psoriasis: Role of dietary management in diminution of its symptoms. Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications. 9: 391-398

Bilgic H., Hakki E. E.,  Pandey A., Khan M. K., Akkaya M. S. Ancient DNA from 8400 year-old Çatalhöyük Wheat: Implications for the Origin of Neolithic Agriculture. Plos One. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0151974

Kahraman A., Khan M. K., Pandey A., Dogan E. Supplemental Irrigation Effect on Yield and Yield Components of Lentil Grown under Semi-Arid Climatic Conditions.  Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici 44: 237-244

Pandey A., Khan M. K., Hakki E. E.,  Hamurcu M., Gezgin S., Tuna M., Akkaya M.S.,  Physiological and Molecular Screening of Boron Stress Responses in Brachypodium distachyon. International Symposium on Boron in Agriculture. 16-18 November 2016, Ankara, Turkey.

Hakki E. E., Khan M. K., Pandey A., Hamurcu M., Gezgin S.,  Avsaroglu Z.Z. Global insights in to Boron toxicity regulated genes in Puccinellia distans. International Symposium on Boron in Agriculture. 16-18 November 2016, Ankara, Turkey.

Hakki E. E., Khan M. K., Pandey A., Hamurcu M., Gezgin S. Parental Selection of Salt Tolerant Wheat Varieties Using Molecular and Physiological Characterization. International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD), 19-23 October 2016, Skopje, Macedonia.

Pandey A., Khan M. K., Kahraman A., Tanyolac B., Thomas G. Zinc Deficiency: Constraint to Chickpea Production. International conference on Advancing Frontiers in Biotechnology for Sustainable Agriculture and Health (AFBSAH – 2016), 25-26 February, 2016, SHIATS, Allahabad, India.

Kahraman A., Khan M. K., Pandey A., Tanyolac B., Thomas G. Wild Chickpea: Potential Source for Nutrients Supply. International conference on Advancing Frontiers in Biotechnology for Sustainable Agriculture and Health (AFBSAH – 2016), 25-26 February, 2016, SHIATS, Allahabad, India.

Pandey A., Khan M. K., Thomas G., Hakki E. E.,  Kayis S. A., Hamurcu M., Gezgin S., Topal A., Akkaya M. S. Estimation of Indian and Turkish Hexaploid Population Structure to be a part of Improved Breeding Program. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici 43: 70 -78.

Khan M. K., Pandey A., Thomas G., Akkaya M. S., Kayis S. A., Ozsensoy Y., Hamurcu M., Gezgin S., Topal A., Hakki E. E. Genetic diversity and population structure of wheat in India and Turkey.  AoB Plants, doi: 10.1093/aobpla/plv083

Choudhary S., Pandey A., Khan M. K., Khan S., Hakki E. E. Akkaya M. S., Thomas G. Chitin nanofibrils and its application in healing the skin. International Journal of Science and Nature 6: 521-523.

Choudhary S., Pandey A., Khan M. K., Thomas G. “Antioxidant Profile Determination of off-Seasonal Guava, Allahabad Safeda (Psidium guajava L.) Fruits”. Emergent Life Sciences Research 1(1): 13-17

Khan S., Choudhary S., Pandey A., Khan M. K., Thomas G. “Sunflower Oil: Efficient Oil Source for Human Consumption”. Emergent Life Sciences Research 1(1): 1-3 

Pandey A., Khan M. K., Akkaya M.S., Hakki E.E. “Wheat- A dietary source or a disease source?” 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Environment (2nd ICSAE), 30 September – 3 October, 2015, Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey.

Pandey A., Khan M. K., Choudhary S., Khan S., Thomas G. “Nanobiotechnology: A New Approach in Agriculture” World Congress on Green Nanotechnology and its Role in Sustainable Agriculture (GNSA-2015), 26-27 March 2015, SHIATS, Allahabad, India. pp 60

Choudhary S., Pandey A., Khan M. K., Khan S., Akkaya M.S., Thomas G. “Chitin Nanofibrils and Its Application in Healing the Skin” World Congress on Green Nanotechnology and its Role in Sustainable Agriculture (GNSA-2015), 26-27 March 2015, SHIATS, Allahabad, India. pp 61

Khan S., Pandey A., Khan M. K., Choudhary S., Thomas G. “Electronic Nose: Means to Control Food Quality” World Congress on Green Nanotechnology and its Role in Sustainable Agriculture (GNSA-2015), 26-27 March 2015, SHIATS, Allahabad, India. pp 64

Khan M. K., Pandey A., Choudhary S., Hakki, E. E., Akkaya M. S., Thomas G. “From RFLP to DArT: molecular tools for wheat (Triticum spp.) diversity analysis”. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 61: 1001-1032.

Hakki E. E., Dograr N., Pandey A., Khan M. K., Hamurcu M., Kayis S. A., Gezgin S., Olmez F., Akkaya M. S. “Molecular and Elemental Characterization of Selected Turkish Durum Wheat Varieties”. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici 42: 431-439

Pandey A., Khan M. K., Choudhary S., Khan S., Thomas G. “Focusing Wheat Boron Tolerance using Model Plants”. Trends in Biosciences 7(23): 4048-4049

Khan M. K., Pandey A., Choudhary S., Khan S., Hakki, E. E., Thomas G. “Improving on Micronutrients in Wheat: A Prospective Research Area”. Advances in Life Sciences 3(2): 68-69

Khan M. K., Pandey A., Harmankaya M., Gezgin S., Hamurcu M., Akkaya, M. S., Kayis S. A., Thomas G., Hakki E. E. Zinc and Protein in Indian and Turkish Wheat –Are influencing the lives? 17th International Plant Nutrition Colloquium, 19-22 August, Istanbul, Turkey

Pandey A., Khan M. K., Hakki E. E., Hamurcu M., Harmankaya M., Akkaya M. S., Kayis S. A., Thomas G., Gezgin S. Wheat- Can be a remedy for Iron Deficiency?. 17th International Plant Nutrition Colloquium, 19-22 August, Istanbul, Turkey

Hakki E. E., Khan M. K., Pandey A., Harmankaya M., Hamurcu M., Gezgin S., Kayis S. A., Thomas G., Akkaya M. S. Wheat Nutrients – An equal concern for different realms. 17th International Plant Nutrition Colloquium, 19-22 August, Istanbul, Turkey

Hakki E. E., Hamurcu M., Demiral T., Avsaroglu Z. Z., Pandey A., Khan M. K., Gezgin S. Puccinellia Distans: Is A Role Model For Boron Adaptation?  5th International FESTEM Symposium on Trace Elements and Minerals, May, France

Ç.Karaca U., Sabir A.  2018. Sustainable Mitigation of Alkaline Stress in Grapevine Rootstocks (Vitis 1 spp.) by Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria. Erwerbs-Obstbau 60: 211–220.

Ç.Karaca U. and Atmaca E. 2018. The Effects of Bacterial Inoculation and Molybdenum Applications on Yield and Yield Components of Bean. International Journal of Plant Biology & Research. 6(1): 1081.

Ç.Karaca U.  and Atmaca, E., 2018. Effect Of Different Salt And pH Concentrations On The Growth Of Some Rhizobium Species. International Conference of Ecosystems (ICE2018). Proceedings Book Essays on Ecosystem and Environmental Research pp. 227-230. ISBN: 978-9928-4443-0-1. TIRANA-ALBANIA,  June 22-25, 2018.

Ç.Karaca U. and Atmaca E., (2018). Physicochemical Properties of Some Chickpea Varieties (Cicer arietinum L.) Cultivated in Konya. 4th International Agriculture Congress. Abstract Proceeding Book p.: 213. 05-08 July 2018.

Ç.Karaca U. and Atmaca E. 2018. Effect of Raw Rock Phosphate and Biological Fertilizer Application on Microbial Properties of Soil after the Development of Corn Plant (Zea mays L.). I. International Agricultural Science Congresss. 09-12 May 2018, Van /Turkey.

Santos P. A., Pandey A., Khan M. K., Gezgin S., Hamurcu M., Atmaca E., Çetin U. K., Arisoy R. Z., Yılmaz F. G.,  Topal A., Nezir H., Hakkı E. E., 2018. Sustainable Innovation Technology: An Insight Into The Effective Use Of Biofertilizers In Improving Soil And Plant Quality. Mechanization in Agriculture, Vol. 64, Issue 5, pp 162-164.

Anamika Pandey, Mohd. Kamran Khan, Saumya Choudhary, Sheeba Khan, Shivani Rustagi, Mahinur S. Akkaya, George Thomas, Mehmet Hamurcu, Sait Gezgin, Erdogan E. Hakki, 2018. Ethics in Publishing: An Opinion on its Importance. Biosci. Biotech. Res. Comm. 11(1), 1-4

Svetlana Sushkova, Tatiana Minkina, Irina Deryabkina, Vishnu Rajput, Elena Antonenko, Olga Nazarenko, Brijesh Kumar Yadav, Erdogan Hakki, Dinesh Mohan, 2019. Environmental pollution of soil with PAHs in energy producingplants zone. Science of the Total Environment 655, 232–241.

Zengin, M., 2018. KonyaPark-Bahçe Bitkilerinde Besleme ve Gübreleme. Uluslararası YeşilBaşkentler Kongresi (IGCC), 8-11Mayıs 2018, Bildiriler Kitabı, sf: 697 - 702, Konya.

Nazzal, M., Zengin, M., Gökmen Yılmaz, F. ve Gezgin, S., 2018. Asit ve BazikReaksiyonlu Topraklarda Farklı Azotlu Gübre ve Potasyum UygulamalarınınDomatesin Verim ve Verim Unsurlarına Etkileri. Uluslararası Bilim ve Akademi Kongresi’18, Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı, sf: 62, 8-9Aralık 2018, Konya.

Manirakiza, N. and Seker, C., 2018. Effects of Natural and Artificial Aggregating Agents on Soil Structural Formation and Properties - A Review Paper. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 27(12A) pp. 8637-8657.

Atmaca, E. and Çetin Karaca, U., 2018. Effect Of Applications Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungus Spores And K-Humate On The Development Of Onion Plant. International Congress Of Climate Change: Sustainability on Healty, Agriculture, Food and Livestock Policies ICSAFL, Abstract Book pp.14. 3-5 September 2018 Amsterdam/NETHERLANDS.

Atmaca, E., Çetin Karaca, U. and Hakkı, E. E., 2018. Isolation And Morphological Determination Of The AMF Spores In The Rhizosphere Of Puccinellia Distans (L.) Parl. (Salt Lake) In Konya. 3rd International Energy&Engineering Congress UEMK 2018. Proceeding Book pp.: 1126-1142. 18-19 October 2018, Gaziantep.

Atmaca, E., Çetin Karaca, U. and Hakkı, E. E., 2018. Morphological Examination Of The Spores Isolated From Rhizosphere Region Of Puccinellia distans (L.) Parl. From Tuz Gölü (Salt Lake) Halophytes.  International Conference of Ecosystems (ICE2018). Proceedings Book Essays on Ecosystem and Environmental Research pp.160-171. ISBN: 978-9928-4443-0-1. TIRANA-ALBANIA,  June 22-25, 2018.

Atmaca, E. and Çetin Karaca, U., 2018. Effects of Sewage Sludge Addition and Arbuscular-Mycorrhizal Fungal Spore Inoculation to Plant Growth Medium on The Development of Onion Plant. I.International Agricultural Science Congress Poster Presentation Abstract Book p. 704. 09-12 May 2018 Van/Turkey.

Khan M. K., Pandey A., Choudhary S., Gulcan K., Khan S., Rustagi S., Thomas G., Hamurcu M., Gezgin S., Hakki E.E. (2018) Ethics in Publishing: An Opinion on its Importance. Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications.

Khan S., Rustagi S., Choudhary S., Pandey A., Khan M. K., Kumari A., Singh A. (2018) Sucralose and maltodextrin-An answer to low fat Sugar free ice-cream. Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications.

Rustagi S, Khan S, Choudhary S, Pandey A, Khan M. K., Kumari A, Singh A. Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose and Whey Protein Concentrate as Technological Improver in Formulation of Gluten-free Protein Rich Bread. Curr Res Nutr Food Sci 2018; 6(1).

Kahraman A, Pandey A, Khan M.K., Lindsay D, Moenga S, Vance L, Bergmann E, Carrasquilla-Garcia N, Shin M-G, Chang PL, von Wettberg EJB, Tar’an B, Cook DR, Penmetsa RV. Distinct Subgroups of Cicer echinospermum Are Associated with Hybrid Sterility and Breakdown in Interspecific Crosses with Cultivated Chickpea. Crop Science. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2017.06.0335 (September)

Khan M. K., Pandey A., Akkaya M. S., Gezgin S., Hamurcu M., Hakki E. E. Wheat Biofortification – A Potential Key to Human Malnutrition. Journal of Elementology. doi: 10.5601/jelem.2016.21.4.1336 (July)

Zeybek A., Khan M. K., Pandey A., Gunel A., Erdogan O., Akkaya M. S. Genetic Structure of Powdery Mildew Disease Pathogen Blumeria Graminis F. sp. hordei in the Barley Fields of Cukurova in Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 26:906-912 (January)

Kahraman A, Pandey A, Khan M.K., Nutritional Diversity Assessment in Chickpea - A Prospect for Nutrient Deprived World. Harran Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 21 (3), 357-363 (June).

Pandey A., Khan M. K., Hakki E. E. Journey of Ancient Wheat to Today's Modern/ Contemporary Wheat: Role and Importance of Konya in its Expansion. International Green Capitals Congress. 8-12 Mayıs, Konya, Turkey.

Gulcan K., Gezgin S., Hamurcu M., Harmankaya M. Pandey A., Khan M.K., Hakki E. E. Kırsal Kesimin Refah Düzeyinin Arttırılmasında Kamu Kurumları ile Üniversite İşbirliğinin Önemi: Konya Büyükşehir Belediyesi Desteği ile Höyük Bölgesinde Bilinçli Çilek Yetiştiriciliği. Uluslararası Yeşilbaşkentler Kongresi’8-12 Mayıs, Konya, Turkey.

Khan M. K.,  Pandey A., Hamurcu M., Gezgin S., Topal A., Tamkoc A., Akgun N., Hakki E. E. Introgression of salt tolerance genes in Turkish wheat genotypes using marker-assisted backcross breeding. European Biotechnology Congress. 26-28 April, Athens, Greece.

Hamurcu M., Avsaroglu Z.Z., Ustun C., Omay H., Gezgin S., Hakki E. E., Pandey A., Khan M. K.  Antioxidant responses of Pumpkin Genotypes exposed to Drought Stress Conditions. European Biotechnology Congress. 26-28 April, Athens, Greece

Gulcan K., Gezgin S., Hamurcu M., Harmankaya M. Pandey A., Khan M.K., Hakki E. E. Physiological evaluation of iron deficiency reactions of different commercial strawberry genotypes. 7th International Congress on Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. April 25-27, Konya, Turkey.

Hakki E. E., Hamurcu M., Khan M. K., Pandey A., Avsaroglu Z.Z., Athar T.  Gezgin S. Changes in Free Radical Levels of Bread and Durum Wheat Genotypes under Salt Stress Conditions. 13th International Conference on Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species in Plants: Emerging Roles in Plant Form and Function. 10-13 September, Kuşadası/ Turkey.

Hamurcu M., Hakki E. E., Pandey A., Khan M. K., Avsaroglu Z.Z., Gezgin S. Effects of Nitric Oxide Application on Free Radical Changes in Different Plant Species under Drought Conditions. 13th International Conference on Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species in Plants: Emerging Roles in Plant Form and Function. 10-13 September, Kuşadası/ Turkey.

Pandey A., Khan M. K., Hamurcu M., Gezgin S., Hakki E. E. Boron Deficiency Responses on Nutrients Composition in Brachypodium distachyon, a Model for Wheat. European Biotechnology Congress, 25 - 27 May, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Eken N., Gezgin S., Hamurcu M., Pandey A., Khan M.K., Hakki E.E., Effects of Biochar Application on Physiological Development of Dwarf Bean. International Conference on Agriculture, Forest, Food Sciences and Technologies, 15-17 May, Cappadocia, Turkey.

Pandey A., Khan M. K., Hamurcu M., Gezgin S., Hakki E. E. Boron Toxicity Responses on Plant Model Species, Brachypodium distachyon. 18th International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (IPNC), 21 - 24 August, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Hamurcu M., Hakki E. E., Onbası S., Pandey A., Khan M. K., Gezgin S. Exogenous Nitric Oxide alleviates Boron Toxicity Effects on Two Turkish Barley Genotypes. 18th International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (IPNC), 21 - 24 August, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Khan M. K., Pandey A., Hamurcu M., Gezgin S., Hakki E. E. Turkish Bread Wheat Genotypes and their Nutrient Content – Prospective for Wheat Improvement. 18th International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (IPNC), 21 - 24 August, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Kahraman A., Pandey A., Khan M.K., Cakmak A., Aydin B., Berger J., Gayberi M.   Genetic Diversity Assessment of a Collection of Wild Chickpea Populations Aiming Towards Continuously Changing Environment. 17th International Scientific Conference “Sakharov Readings 2017: Environmental Problems of the XXIst Century” May 18-19, Minsk, Belarus.

Negiş, H., Gümüş, İ., Şeker, C., 2017. Effects of Four Different Crops Harvest Processes on Soils Compaction. Tekirdag Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi / Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, T.Z.F Dergisi Yıl 2017-2. Uluslararası Balkan Tarım Kongresi (16-18 Mayıs 2017) Özel Sayısı, 25-29.

Negiş, H., Gümüş, İ., Şeker, C., 2017. Effects of Four Different Crops Harvest Processes on Soils Compaction. 2. Uluslararası Balkan Tarım Kongresi (16-18 Mayıs 2017).

Negiş, H., Özaytekin, H.H., Şeker, C., Gümüş, İ., Dedeoğlu, M., Atmaca, E., Karaca, Ü., 2017. Determination of Biological Soil Quality Score in Sugar Beet Made Culture. International Conference on Agriculture Forest Food Sciences and Technologies ICAFOF 15-17 Mayıs 2017.

GÜMÜŞ, İ., NEGİŞ, H., ŞEKER, C., 2018. Influence of Biochar Applications on Modulus of Rupture and Aggregate Stability Crusting Problem Soil. International Agricultural Science Congress 9-12 May 2018.

ŞEKER, C., NEGİŞ, H., URLU, İ.H., GÜMÜŞ, İ., ÖZAYTEKİN, H.H., ATMACA, E., Karaca, Ü., 2018. Different Textured Soils Quality Scores: Cornell Soil Health Assessment and Soil Management Assessment Framework. International Agricultural Science Congress 9-12 May 2018.

NEGİŞ, H., GÜMÜŞ, İ., ŞEKER, C., 2018. The Properties of Biochar’s Derived from Different Plant Residue and Different Pyrolysis Temperatures. International Agricultural Science Congress 9-12 May 2018.

Gümüş, İ; Şeker, C., 2017. Effects of spent mushroom compost application on the physicochemical properties of a degraded soil, Solid Earth, 8, 1153-1160, https://doi.org/10.5194/se-8-1153-2017, 2017.

Ertiftik,H., Zengin, M., 2017. Response of Maize for Grain to Potassium andMagnesium 223. Fertilizers in Soils With High Lime Contents. J. ofPlant Nutrition, 40(1): 93-103.

Zengin,M., 2017. Agriculture Potentialof Beyşehir District. II. International Congress of Beyşehir and it’s Vicinity, Beyşehir,Konya, Turkey.

Nuray Çiçek Atikmena*, Abdullah Baranb, Cihat Kütükb, Gökhan Çaycıb, H. Hüseyin Özaytekinc, Siyami Karacad. 2018.   Effects of different growth media to the nutrient content of primula (primula obconica) plant . Anadolu Tarım Bilim. Derg./Anadolu J Agr Sci 33 (2018) 170-176


Uçgun, K. ve Gezgin, S.,2017. Can nutritional status ofapple trees be determined by leaf analysis in early vegetation?. JOURNAL OF PLANTNUTRITION, VOL. 40, NO. 3, 277–282. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01904167.2016.1236951

Savaşlı, E., Önder, O., Çekiç, C., Kalaycı, H.M., 1, Dayıoğlu,R., Gökmen, F., Dursun, N., ve Gezgin, S., 2017. Effects of nitrogen treatment methods on yield, nitrogen loss and nitrogen uptake efficiency of wheatcultivars.  Selcuk J Agr FoodSci, (2017) 31 (2), 86-91

Uçgun, K. ve Sait Gezgin, S.,2017. Interpretation of leafanalysis performed in early vegetation in apple orchards. Communications inSoil Science and Plant Analysis, DOI:10.1080/00103624.2017.1383415. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00103624.2017.1383415

Dursun, N., Gezgin, S. ve Mehmet Musa Özcan, M. M., 2017.The Determine of Sugar Beet Nutrition Problems in Konya Plain’s Soils. ADVANCEDRESEARCH IN LIFE SCIENCES 1(1), 2017, 7-20. www.degruyter.com/view/j/arls

Savaşlı, E., Önder, O., Çekiç, C., Kalaycı, H.M., 1, Dayıoğlu,R.,  Gökmen, F., Dursun, N., ve Gezgin, S., 2017. The Effects of Foliar Nitrogen Treatments at Heading Stage on Grain Protein Contents of Bread Wheat Cultivars. Selcuk J Agr Food Sci, (2017) 31 (1), 42-47

Savaşlı, E., Önder, O., Çekiç, C., Kalaycı, H.M., 1, Dayıoğlu,R., Karaduman, Y., Gökmen, F., Dursun, N., ve Gezgin, S., 2018. Sulu Şartlarda Ekmeklik Buğdayda Başaklanma Döneminde Yaprak Solusyon Uygulamasının Tane Protein Kapsamı Üzerine Etkisi. Türk Tarım – Gıda Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 6(1): 84-90

Mohd. Kamran Khan1, Anamika Pandey1*, Saumya Choudhary2, Kamer Gulcan1, Sheeba

Khan3, Shivani Rustagi4, George Thomas2, Mehmet Hamurcu1, Sait Gezgin1 and Erdogan E.

Hakki, 2018. Ethics in Publishing: An Opinion on its Importance.  Biosci. Biotech. Res. Comm. 11(1): 1-4 (2018)

Şimşek, Ş., Özcan, M. M., Hamurcu, M., Dursun, N., & Gezgin, S. Total phenol, anthocyanin and flavonoid contents of whole wheat flour and white flour. Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2017, 23 (4), 209-211

Harmankaya Mustafa,Önder Mustafa,Hamurcu Mehmet,Ceyhan Ercan,Gezgin Sait.2017. Response of common bean Phaseolus vulgaris L cultivars to foliar and soil applied boron in boron deficient calcareous soils. AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLKOGY, 7(18), 3275-3282. (Yayın No: 2117662)

Harmankaya Mustafa,Gezgin Sait,Ozcan Mehmet Musa, 2017. Comparative evaluation of some macro and micro element and heavy metal contents in commercial fruit juices. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, 184(9), 5415-5420. (Yayın No: 2116688)

Hamurcu Mehmet,Sekmen Askim Hediye,Ismail Turkan,Gezgin Sait Induced anti oxidant activity in soybean alleviates oxidative stress under moderate boron toxicity. PLANT GROWTHREGULATION , 70(3), 217-226. (Yayın No: 2116513)

Hamurcu Mehmet,Ozcan Mehmet Musa,Dursun Nesim,Gezgin Sait Mineral and heavy metal levels of some fruits grown at the roadsides. FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY, 48(6), 1767-1770. (Yayın No: 2117196)

Harmankaya Mustafa,Ozcan Mehmet Musa,Gezgin Sait Variation of heavy metal and micro and macro element concentrations of bread and durum wheats and their relationship in grain of Turkish wheat cultivars. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, 184(9), 5511-5521. (Yayın No: 2116800)

Khan Mohd Kamran,Pandey Anamika,Akkaya Mahinur,Gezgin Sait, Hamurcu Mehmet,Hakki Erdogan Esref (2017). Wheat Biofortification A Potential Key to Human Malnutrition. Journal of Elementology (Yayın No: 3309842)

Khan Mohd Kamran, Pandey Anamika, Akkaya Mahinur,Gezgin Sait, Hamurcu Mehmet,Hakki Erdogan Esref (2017). Wheat Biofortification A Potential Key to Human Malnutrition Accepted. Journal of Elementology (Yayın No: 3281950)

Uçgun Kadir, GEZGIN SAIT (2017). Can Nutritional Status of Apple Trees be determined by Leaf Analysis in Early Vegetation. Journal of Plant Nutrition(just-accepted) (Yayın No: 3194432)

Pandey Anamika,Khan Mohd Kamran,Hakki Erdogan Esref,Gezgin Sait,Thomas George,HAMURCU MEHMET,AKKAYA MAHINUR,Gizlenci Özge (2016). Assessment of genetic variability for grain nutrients from diverse regions potential for wheat improvement. SpringerPlus, 5(1) (Yayın No: 3194329)

Uçgun Kadir,Gezgin Sait,Akgül Hüseyin,Atasay Adem,Harmankaya Mustafa,Altındal Mesut (2016). Effect of cultivars on evaluation of leaf analysis of apple trees. Acta Horticulturae, 275- 278., Doi: 0.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1139.48 (Yayın No: 3394945)

Dursun Nesim,Dogu Süleyman,Gezgin Sait,Özcan Mehmet Musa,Uslu Nurhan (2016). Mineral contents and chemical properties of some Sideritisand Origanum species. Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies , 22(4), 220-225. (Yayın No: 3395498)

Hamurcu Mehmet,Hakki Erdogan Esref,Demiral Sert Tijen,Avsaroglu Zeynep Zuhal,Kayis Seyit Ali,Minareci Ersin,Gezgin Sait,Bell Richard W,Özdemir Canan (2016). Extremely high boron tolerance in Puccinellia distans Jacq Parl related to root boron exclusion and a well regulated antioxidant system. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR NATURFORSCHUNG SECTION C-A JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCES, 71(7-8), 273-285., Doi: 10.1515/znc-2015-0226 (Yayın No: 3193437)

Hamurcu Mehmet,Demiral Tijen,Hakki Erdogan Esref,Türkmen Önder,Gezgin Sait,Bell Richard W (2015). Oxidative stress responses in watermeln as influenced by boron toxicity and drought. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 102(2), 209-216. (Yayın No: 2121892)

Khan Mohd Kamran,Pandey Anamika,Thomas George,Akkaya Mahinur, Kayis Seyit Ali,Özsensoy Yusuf,Hamurcu Mehmet,Gezgin Sait,Topal Ali,Hakki Erdogan Esref (2015). Genetic diversity and population structure of wheat in India and Turkey. AoB Plants, 7, 83, Doi: 10.1093/aobpla/plv083 (Yayın No: 2199617)

Pandey Anamika,Mohd Kmamran Khan,George Thomas,HAKKI ERDOGAN ESREF, Kayıs Seyitali, HAMURCU MEHMET,GEZGIN SAIT,TOPAL ALI (2015). Estimation of Indian and Turkish Hexaploid Wheat Population Structure to be a Part of Improved Breeding Program. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 43(1), 70-78. (Yayın No: 2121967)

Hamurcu Mehmet,Demiral Tijen,Calik Merve,Gezgin Sait (2014). Effect of nitric oxide on the tolerance mechanssm of bread wheat genotypes under drought stress. JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, 185 (Yayın No: 2122074)

Hakki Erdogan Esref,Hamurcu Mehmet,Demiral Tijen,Gezgin Sait (2014). Effect of nitric oxide on the tolerance mechanism of bread wheat genotypes under salinity stress. JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, 185 (Yayın No: 2122069)

Demiral Tijen,Hamurcu Mehmet,Avsaroglu Zeynep Zuhal,Gezgin Sait (2014). Implcation of nitric oxide on growth and development of wheat under drought conditions. JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, 185 (Yayın No: 2122066)

Can Hasan,Hamurcu Mehmet, Demiral Tijen,Gezgin Sait (2014). Determination of reliable house keeping gene s for qPCR in maize under different boron dosages. NEW BIOTECHNOLOGY, 31, 204 (Yayın No: 2122082)

Hakki Erdogan Esref, Dograr Nurdan,Pandey Anamika,Khan Mohd Kamran,Hamurcu Mehmet,Kayis Seyit Ali,Gezgin Sait,Akkaya Mahinur (2014). Molecular and Elemental Characterization of Selected Turkish Durum Wheat Varieties. NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, 42(2), 431-439., Doi: 10.15835/nbha4229621 (Yayın No: 3196480)

Hakki Erdogan Esref, Dograr Nurdan,Pandey Anemika,Gezgin Sait (2013). Molecular and Elemental characterization of Selected Turkish Durum Wheat Varieties. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 42(2), 431-439. (Yayın No: 2122085)

Hamurcu Mehmet, Sekmen Esen Askim Hediye,Türkan Ismail,Gezgin Sait,Demiral Tijen,Bell Richard W (2013). Incuded anti oxidant activity in soybean alleviates oxidative stress under moderate boron toxicity. PLANT GROWTH REGULATION, 70(3), 217-226. (Yayın No: 23)

 Ozcan Mehmet Musa,Harmankaya Mustafa,Gezgin Sait (2012). Mineral and heavy metal contents of the outer and inner tissues of commonly used fruits. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, 184(1), 313-320. (Yayın No: 2117097)

Pandey Anamika,Khan Mohd Kamran,Hakki Erdogan Esref,Thomas George,Hamurcu Mehmet,Gezgin Sait,Gizlenci Özge,Akkaya Mahinur (2016). Assessment of genetic variability for grain nutrients from diverse regions potential for wheat improvement. SpringerPlus, 5(1), Doi: 10.1186/s40064-016-3586-2 (Yayın No: 3214961)

Bozkurt Buket,Hakki Sema,Hakki Erdogan Esref,Durak Yusuf,Kantarci Alpdogan (2016). Porphyromonas gingivalis Lipopolysaccharide Induces a Pro inflammatory Human Gingival Fibroblast Phenotype. Inflammation, Doi: 10.1007/s10753-016-0463-7 (Yayın No: 3214771)

Bilgic Hatice,Hakki Erdogan Esref,Pandey Anamika,Khan Mohd Kamran,Akkaya Mahinur (2016). Ancient DNA from 8400 Year Old Çatalhöyük Wheat Implications for the Origin of Neolithic Agriculture. PLOS ONE, 11(3), 151974, Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0151974 (Yayın No: 3212896)

Hamurcu Mehmet,Hakki Erdogan Esref,Demiral Sert Tijen,Özdemir Canan,Minareci Ersin,Avsaroglu Zeynep Zühal,Gezgin Sait,Kayis Seyit Ali,Bell Richard (2016). Extremely high boron tolerance in Puccinellia distans Jacq Parl related to root boron exclusion and a well regulated antioxidant system. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C, 71(7-8), 273-285., Doi: 10.1515/znc-2015-0226 (Yayın No: 3213041)

Abdelaziz El Alaoui Moulay,Melloul Marouane,Udupa Sripada M,Hakki Erdogan Esref,Stambouli Hamid,Aziz El Bouri Aziz,Amine Sana Alaoui,Soulaymani Abdelmajid,El Fahim Elmostafa (2016). Study of Moroccan Cannabis sativa DNA polymorphism in theTHCAsynthase gene from seized Moroccan cannabis resin Hashish. Journal of Plant Biology Research , 5(1), 1-11. (Yayın No: 3212655)

Pandey Anamika,Mohd Kamran Khan,George Thomas,Hakki Erdogan Esref,Kayis Seyit Ali,Hamurcu Mehmet,Gezgin Sait,Topal Ali,Akkaya Mahinur (2015). Estimation of Indian and Turkish Hexaploid Wheat Population Structure Employing Molecular Markers. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 43(1), 70-78. (Yayın No: 2068569)

Mohd Kamran Khan,Anamika Pandey,George Thomas,Akkaya Mahinur,Kayis Seyit Ali,Yusuf Özsensoy,Hamurcu Mehmet,Gezgin Sait,Topal Ali,Hakki Erdogan Esref (2015). Genetic diversity and population structure of wheat in India and Turkey. AoB Plants, 7, 83, Doi: 10.1093/aobpla/plv083 (Yayın No: 2206411)

Hamurcu Mehmet,Demiral Tijen,Hakki Erdogan Esref,Türkmen Önder,Gezgin Sait,Bell Richard W (2015). Oxidative stress responses in watermelon Citrullus lanatus as influenced by boron toxicity and drought. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 102(2), 209-216., Doi: 10.13080/za. 2015.102.027 (Yayın No: 2068536)

Hakki Sema,Kayis Seyit Ali,Hakki Erdogan Esref,Buket S Bozkurt,Duruksu G,Unal Z S,Turac G,Karaöz Erdal (2015). Comparison of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Isolated From Pulp and Periodontal Ligament. Journal of Periodontology, 86(2), 283-291., Doi: 10.1902/jop.2014.140257 (Yayın No: 2068439)

Hakki Sema,Malkoç Siddik,Kayis Seyit Ali,Dündar Niyazi,Hakki Erdogan Esref,Hamurcu Mehmet,Baspinar Nuri,Basoglu Abdullah,Forrest H Nielsen,Götz Werner (2015). Dietary boron does not affect tooth strength micro hardness and density but affects tooth mineral composition and alveolar bone mineral density in rabbits fed a high energy diet. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 29, 208-215., Doi: 10.1016/j.jtemb.2014.10.007 (Yayın No: 2068506)

Khan Mohd Kamran,Anamika Pandey,Saumya Choudhary,Hakki Erdogan Esref,Akkaya Mahinur,George Thomas (2014). From RFLP to DArT molecular tools for wheat Triticum spp diversity analysis. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 61(5), 1001-1032., Doi: 10.1007/s10722-014-0114-5 (Yayın No: 2279624)

Hakki Sema,Bozkurt Buket,Hakki Erdogan Esref,Kayis Seyit Ali,Turaç Gizem,Yilmaz Irem,Karaöz Erdal (2014). Bone morphogenetic protein 2 6 and 7 differently regulate osteogenic differentiation of human periodontal ligament stem cells. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, 102(1), 119-130., Doi: 10.1002/jbm.b.32988

Hakki Erdogan Esref,Dograr Nurdan,Pandey Anamika,Khan Mohd Kamran,Hamurcu Mehmet,Kayis Seyit Ali,Gezgin Sait,Ölmez Fatih,Akkaya Mahinur (2014). Molecular and Elemental Characterization of Selected Turkish Durum Wheat Varieties. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 42(2), 431-439. (Yayın No: 2429614)

Öztürk Meryem,Duran Ahmet,Hakki Erdogan Esref (2013). Cladistic and phylogenetic analyses of the genus Cicer in Turkey. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 299(10), 1955-1966., Doi: 10.1007/s00606-013-0850-6 (Yayın No: 2409939)

Hakki Sema,Korkusuz Petek,Purali Nuhan,Korkusuz Feza,Bozkurt Buket,Hakki Erdogan Esref,Önder Mustafa Ercüment,Görür Durmus Ilker,Nohutcu Rahime Meral,Muharrem Timuçin,Öztürk Adnan (2013). Periodontal ligament cell behavior on different titanium surfaces. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 71(3-4), 906-916., Doi: 10.3109/00016357.2012.734417 (Yayın No: 2536706)

Hakki Sema,Dündar Niyazi,Kayis Seyit Ali,Hakki Erdogan Esref,Hamurcu Mehmet,Kerimoglu Ülkü,Baspinar Nuri,Basoglu Abdullah,Nielsen Forrest (2013). Boron enhances strength and alters mineral composition of bone in rabbits fed a high energy diet. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 27(2), 148-153., Doi: 10.1016/j.jtemb.2012.07.001 (Yayın No: 2409739)

Hakki Sema,Bozkurt Buket,Hakki Erdogan Esref,Korkusuz Petek,Purali Nuhan,Koç Nursen,Timuçin Muharrem,Öztürk Adnan,Korkusuz Feza (2012). Osteogenic differentiation of MC3T3 E1 cells on different titanium surfaces. Biomedical Materials, 7(4), 45006, Doi: 10.1088/1748-6041/7/4/045006 (Yayın No: 2409357)

Uckun Kadir,Gezgin Sait,Akgul Hüseyin,Atasay Adem,Harmankaya Mustafa,Altindal Mesut (2016). Effect of cultivars on evaluation of leaf analysis of apple trees. Acta Horticulturae (1139), 275-278., Doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1139.48 (Yayın No: 3253758)

Al Juahimi Fahad,Ghafoor Kashif,Babiker Elfadil E,Özcan Mehmet Musa,Harmankaya Mustafa (2016). Mineral contents of traditional breads enriched with floral honey. INDIAN JOURNAL OF TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE, 15(2), 223-226. (Yayın No: 3253978)

Samus Vyacheslav,Özcan Mehmet Musa,Harmankaya Mustafa,Özkalp Birol,Al Juhaimi Fahad (2016). Macro- and micro-nutrient element contents of some fruit growing in Minsk, Belarus. JOURNAL OF FOOD SAFETY AND FOOD QUALITY-ARCHIV FUR LEBENSMITTELHYGIENE, 67(1), 25-28., Doi: 10.2376/0003-925X-67-25 (Yayın No: 3253636)

Harmankaya Mustafa,Ceyhan Ercan,Çelik Sadiye Ayse,Sert Hasan,Kahraman Ali, Özcan Mehmet Musa (2016). Some chemical properties, mineral content and amino acid composition of cowpeas (Vigna sinensis (L.) Savi). Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods, 8(1), 111-116., Doi: 10.3920/QAS2014.0487 (Yayın No: 3253100)

Kahraman Ali,Ceyhan Ercan,Harmankaya Mustafa (2015). Nutritional variation and drought tolerance in chickpeas (Cicer arietinum L.). Journal of Elemntology, 20(2), 331-341., Doi:  10.5601/jelem.2014.19.2.674 (Yayın No: 1794416)

Gökbel Hakki,Özcan Mehmet Musa,Harmankaya Mustafa (2015). Determination of metal, non-metal and heavy metal contents of some tropical fruits growing in Indonesia. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods, 7(4), 545-549., Doi: 10.3920/QAS2014.0397 (Yayın No: 1794341)

Richard Horsley,Gökbel Hakki,Özcan Mehmet Musa,Harmankaya Mustafa,Senay Simsek (2014). Monitoring of Element Contents of Three Different Apple (Malus Spp.) Varieties in an Apple Tree. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research , 2(3), 127- 129., Doi: DOI:10.12691/jfnr-2-3-6 (Yayın No: 2182653)

Harmankaya Mustafa,Özcan Mehmet Musa,Al Juhaimi Fahad (2014). Mineral contents and proximate composition of Pistacia vera kernels. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 186 (7), 4217-4221., Doi: 10.1007/s10661-014-3692-y (Yayın No: 1794189)

Alas Ali,Özcan Mehmet Musa,Harmankaya Mustafa (2014). Mineral contents of the head, caudal, central fleshy part, and spinal columns of some fishes. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 186(2), 889-894., Doi: 10.1007/s10661-013-3429-3 (Yayın No: 1794120)

Ceyhan Ercan,Harmankaya Mustafa,Kahraman Ali (2014). Combining ability and heterosis for concentration of mineral elements and protein in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). TURKISH JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY, 38(5), 581-590., Doi: 10.3906/tar-1307-56 (Yayın No: 1794060)

Harmankaya Mustafa,Özcan Mehmet Musa,Endes Züleyha (2013). Mineral contents of several corn and potato chips. Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies, 19(2), 222- 227. (Yayın No: 2093637)

Özcan Mehmet Musa,Harmankaya Mustafa,Endes Züleyha (2013). Mineral contents and some physico-chemical properties of some commercial sesame seeds used in halva (sweet) production. International Journal of Farming and Allied Sciences, 2(5), 115-119. (Yayın No: 2093305)

Harmankaya Mustafa,Özcan Mehmet Musa,Duman Erman,Dursun Nesim (2012). Mineral and Heavy Metal Contents of Ice-Cream Wafer, Biscuit and Gofret Wafers. Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies, 18(4), 259-265. (Yayın No: 2093523)

Özcan Mehmet Musa,Saglam Coskun,Harmankaya Mustafa (2012). Monitoring of heavy metal and minerals in different parts of oak acorn (Quercus spp.). International Journal of Farming and Allied Sciences, 1(3), 77-81. (Yayın No: 2093165)

Harmankaya Mustafa,Al Juhaimi Fahad,Özcan Mehmet Musa (2012). Mineral Contents of Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) Growing Wild in Turkey. Analytical Letters, 45 (15), 2269-2275., Doi: 10.1080/00032719.2012.686131 (Yayın No: 1793722)

Harmankaya Mustafa,Özcan Mehmet Musa,Gezgin Sait (2012). Variation of heavy metal and micro and macro element concentrations of bread and durum wheats and their relationship in grain of Turkish wheat cultivars. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 184(9), 5511-5521., Doi: 10.1007/s10661-011-2357-3 (Yayın No: 1793849)

Harmankaya Mustafa,Gezgin Sait,Özcan Mehmet Musa (2012). Comparative evaluation of some macro- and micro-element and heavy metal contents in commercial fruit juices. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 184(9), 5415-5420., Doi: 10.1007/s10661-011-2349- 3 (Yayın No: 1793951)

Özcan Mehmet Musa,Harmankaya Mustafa,Gezgin Sait (2012). Mineral and heavy metal contents of the outer and inner tissues of commonly used fruits. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 184(1), 313-320., Doi: 1.1007/s10661-011-1969-y (Yayın No: 1793475)

Ertiftik Hakan,Zengin Mehmet (2016). Changes in Nutrient Concentrations of Maize (Zea mays var. intendata) Leaves under Potassium and Magnesium Applications in Central Anatolia. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 22(4), 606-616. (Yayın No: 2986037)

Ertiftik Hakan,Zengin Mehmet (2016). Response of sunflower to potassium and magnesium fertilizers in calcerous soils in central Anatolia of Turkey. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 39(12), 1734- 1744., Doi: 10.1080/01904167.2016.1187741 (Yayın No: 2985808)

Aynur Özbahçe,Zengin Mehmet (2014). Effects of Foliar and Soil Applications of Different Manganese Fertilizers on Yield and Net Return of Bean. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 37, 161-171. (Yayın No: 1807280)

Stringer L C,Fleskens L,Reed M S,De Vente J,Zengin Mehmet (2014). Participatory Evaluation of Monitoring and Modeling of Sustainable Land Management Technologies in Areas Prone to Land Degradation. Environmental Management, 54(5), 1022-1044., Atıf Sayısı: 5 (Yayın No: 1806405)

Zengin Mehmet,Ocakoglu Faruk (2013). Effects of Different Tillage and Fallow Methods on Wheat Yield and Soil Quality. Romanian Agricultural Res., 30, 191-198. (Yayın No: 1807176)

Efnan Çolpan,Zengin Mehmet,Aynur Özbahçe (2013). The Effects of Potassium on the Yield and Fruit Quality Components of Stick Tomato. Hort. Environ. Biotechnol, 54(1), 20-28., Atıf Sayısı: 1 (Yayın No: 1806971)

Aynur Özbahçe,Zengin Mehmet (2011). Effects of Manganese Fertilizers on Yield and Yield Components of Dwarf Dry Bean. Effects of Potassium, Magnesium and Sulphur Containing Fertilizers on Yield and Quality of Sugar Beets (Beta vulgaris L.), 34, 127-139., Atıf Sayısı: 2 (Yayın No: 1806883)

Zengin Mehmet,Gökmen Yilmaz Fatma,M Atilla Yazici,Gezgin Sait (2009). Effects of Potassium, Magnesium and Sulphur Containing Fertilizers on Yield and Quality of Sugar Beets (Beta vulgaris L.). Turkish J. of Agric. and Forestry, 33, 495-502., Atıf Sayısı: 6 (Yayın No: 1806800)

Zengin Mehmet,Saim Karakaplan,Ilknur Ersoy (2008). Determination of Irrigation Water Quality of Lake Beysehir and Other Water Sources Used in Irrigation of Çumra Plain. Asian J. of Chemistry, 20(1), 694-704., Atıf Sayısı: 2 (Yayın No: 1806671)

Zengin Mehmet,Gökmen Fatma,Gezgin Sait,Çakmak Ismail (2008). Effects of Different Fertilizers with Potassium and Magnesium on the Yield and Quality of Potato. Asian J. of Chemistry, 20(1), 663-676., Atıf Sayısı: 2 (Yayın No: 1806572)

Zengin Mehmet,Özcan Mehmet Musa,Çetin Ümmühan,Gezgin Sait (2008). Mineral Contents of Some Aromatic Plants, Their Growth Soils and Infusions. J. of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 88(4), 581-589., Atıf Sayısı: 11 (Yayın No: 1788863)

Zengin Mehmet,Mehmet Seref Gülderen (1997). Konya Semt Pazarlarında Satılan Bazı Meyvelerin Nitrat ve Nitrit Içerikleri. J. of Agriculture and Forestry, 21, 463-468. (Yayın No: 1813844)

Gezgin Sait, Fethi Bayrakli,Polat Haydar,Özaytekin Hasan Hüseyin,Serife Uyanöz, Zengin Mehmet (1996). Degisik Azotlu Gübrelerin Seker Pancarında (Beta vulgaris L. ‘Kawemaja’) Verim, Kalite ve Yaprakta Bazı Besin Elementleri Kapsamına Etkisi. Tr. J. of Agriculture and Forestry, 20, 213-217. (Yayın No: 1813892)

Akay Aysen,Yorgancilar Mustafa,Atalay Emine Sümeyye (2016). EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF MYCORRHIZA ON THE DEVELOPMENT AND THE ELEMENTAL CONTENT OF LUPIN LUPINUS ALBUS L. Journal of Elementology, 21(2), 327-335., Doi: 10.5601 (Yayın No: 3183003)

Sözüdogru Ok Sonay,Akay Aysen (2016). The Effects of Boron Mining on Boron Content of Soil Sediment and Plants. International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Management (IJIREM), 3(5), 454-457. (Yayın No: 3161604)

Akay Aysen,Karaarslan Emel (2015). Determining the Effectiveness of Mycorrhizal Inoculation on Increasing the Resistance of Vetch against Different Doses of Nickel. Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 29(2), 34-39. (Yayın No: 2349303)

Akay Aysen,Behnam Dovlati (2012). The Effects of Soil Properties on Zn Adsorption. ,J. Int. Environmental Application & Science, 7(1), 151-160. (Yayın No: 845430)

Şenol Hüseyin,Akgül Mesut,Özaytekin Hasan Hüseyin,Alaboz Pelin (2014).  Yarı Kurak Şartlarda Trakit/Trakiandezit Ana Materyal Üzerinde Oluşan Toprakların Ayrışma Oranları ve Kil Mineralojisine Bakının Etkisi.  . Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi - Journal of Agricultural Science, 20(3), 288-301. (Yayın No: 2111554)  

Şenol Hüseyin,Özaytekin Hasan Hüseyin,Akgül  Mesut (2014).  Quantification of Chemical Weathering and Mass Balance of Soils Developed on Two Different Catena Derived from Granite and Gneiss in Denizli, Turkey.  ASIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY , 26(9), 2789-2796. (Yayın No: 2111461)

Dengiz Orhan,Sağlam Mustafa,Özaytekin Hasan Hüseyin,Başkan Oğuz (2013).  Weatherıng Rates And Some Physico-Chemıcal Characterıstics of Soils Developed On A Calcıc Toposequences.  Carpathian Journal of Earth Science, 8(2), 13-24. (Yayın No: 2111381)                                                                                                           

Özaytekin Hasan Hüseyin, Özcan Sidika (2013).  Mass Balance Of Soil Evolution On Mt. Erenler Volcanic Materials In Central Anatolia - A Case Study.  Carpathian Journal of Earth Science, 8(1), 5-18. (Yayın No: 2111307)

Özaytekin Hasan Hüseyin,Uyanöz Refik (2012).  Trace and Rare Earth Element (REE) Status of Çarsamba Fan Soils in the Ancient Konya Lake Region, Turkey.  African Journal of Agricultural Research , 7(7), 1110-1117. (Yayın No: 2111977)                                                                                                                 

Özaytekin Hasan Hüseyin,Uzun Cihan (2012).  Comparison of weathering rates of the soils classified in alfisol and entisol order developed on limestone in the taurus mountains at east mediterranean region.  Carpathian journal of earth and environmental sciences, 7(1), 109-120. (Yayın No: 2111106)

Özaytekin Hasan Hüseyin,Saim Karakaplan (2012).  Soil formation on the Karadag volcano at a semi arid  environment from the Central Anatolia.  African Journal of Agricultural Research Vol , 7(15), 2283-2296. (Yayın No: 2112046)

Özaytekin Hasan Hüseyin,Dedeoğlu Mert,Hasan Hüseyin Mutlu (2012).  Soil formation on a calcic chronosequence of Ancient Lake Konya in Central Anatolia, Turkey.  Journal of African Earth Sciences, 76, 66-74., Doi: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2012.09.002 (Yayın No: 2110277)

Özaytekin Hasan Hüseyin,Sidika Alp (2011).  Soil Formation overlying Volcanic Materials at Mt. Erenler, Konya, Turkey.  Doğa Türk Tarım ve Ormancılık Dergisi TÜBİTAK, 35(5), 545-562. (Yayın No: 2111239)

Amrakh I Mamedov,Ekberli Imanverdi,Gülser Coşkun,Gümüş Ilknur,Çetin Ümmühan,Levy Guy J (2016).  Relations between soil water retention model parameters and structure stability.   Eurasian J Soil Sc, 4, 314-321., Doi: 10.18393/ejss.2016.4.31 (Yayın No: 2883560)

Gümüş Ilknur,Şeker Cevdet (2015).  Influence of humic acid applications on modulus of rupture, aggregate stability, electrical conductivity, carbon and nitrogen content of a crusting problem soil.  Solid Earth, 6(4), 1231-1236., Doi: 10.5194/se-6-1231-2015 (Yayın No: 2513938)

Zengin Mehmet,Saim Karakaplan,Gümüş Ilknur (2008).  Determination of Irrigation Quality of Lake Beyşehir and Other Sources Used in Irrigation of Çumra Plain.  Asian Journalof Chemistry (Yayın No: 1986363)

Şeker, C., Özaytekin, H. H., Negiş, H., Gümüş, İ., Dedeoğlu, M., Atmaca, E., and Karaca,Ü. 2017. Identification of regional soil quality factors and indicators: a case study on an alluvial plain (central Turkey), Solid Earth, 8, 583-595, doi:10.5194/se-8-583-2017, 2017.(SCI)

Başayiğit L., Dedeoğlu M and Akgül H., 2015. The Prediction of Iron Contents in Orchards Using VNIR Spectroscopy. Turk J Agric For, (2015)39: 123-134.(SCI)

Özaytekin H.H., Mutlu H.H. and Dedeoğlu M., 2012. Soil Formation on a Calcic Chronosequence of Ancient Lake Konya in Central Anatolia, Turkey. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 76 (2012) 66–74.(SCI)

Şeker, C., Özaytekin, H. H., Negiş, H., Gümüş, İ., Dedeoğlu, M., Atmaca, E., & Karaca, Ü. (2017). Assessment of soil quality index for wheat and sugar beet cropping systems on an entisol in Central Anatolia. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 189(4), 135.(SCI)

Dedeoğlu M. and Başayiğit L., 2015. Determinin the Zn Content of Cherry in Field Using VNIR Spectroscopy. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, Vol.35, No.2, pp 335-361. (SCI)

Başayiğit L., Ersan R and Dedeoğlu M., 2013. Monitoring Vegetation Growth of Oil Rose (Rosa damascena MILL.) by Hyperspectral Sensing. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 19 (6), 1219-1224.(SCI)

Başayiğit L., Dedeoğlu M, Akgül H, Uçgun K., Altındal M., 2017. Investigation of N Deficiency in Cherry Trees Using Visible and Near-Infrared Spectra Part of the Spectrum in Field Condition. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, Vol.37, No.1, pp 293-298. (SCI)

Isildak, I., Cubuk, O., Altikatoglu, M., Yolcu, M., Erci, V., & Tinkilic, N. (2012). A novel conductometric creatinine biosensor based on solid-state contact ammonium sensitive PVC–NH2 membrane. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 62, 34-38. (SCI) Doi:10.1016/j.bej.2011.10.013

Altikatoglu, M., Karakus, E., Erci, V., Pekyardimci, S., & Isildak, I. (2013). Novel creatine biosensors based on all solid-state contact ammonium-selective membrane electrodes. Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology, 41(2), 131-136. (SCI) ., Doi:10.3109/10731199.2012.696066

Asan, A., Aydin, R., Semiz, D. K., Erci, V., & Isildak, I. (2013). A very sensitive flow-injection spectrophotometric determination method for iron (II) and total iron using 2′, 3, 4′, 5,7-pentahydroxyflavone. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 185(3),2115-2121.(SCI) Doi: 10.1007/s10661-012-2693-y

Cubuk, O., Altikatoglu, M., Erci, V., Isildak, I., & Tinkilic, N. (2013). An all solid-state creatinine biosensor based on ammonium-selective PVC-NH2 membrane electrode. Sensor Letters, 11(3), 585-590. (SCI) Doi: 10.1166/sl.2013.2735

Dumanli, R., Attar, A., Erci, V., & Isildak, I. (2016). Simultaneous Analysis of Monovalent Anions and Cations with a Sub-Microliter Dead-Volume Flow-Through Potentiometric Detector for Ion Chromatography. Journal of chromatographic science, bmv193 (SCI)

Karaca Ummahan,Sabir Ali (2016).  Sustainable Mitigation of Alkaline Stress in Grapevine Rootstocks  Vitis 1 spp   by Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria.  Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science (Yayın No: 2970545)

Mamedov Amrakh I,Ekberli Imanverdi,Gülser Coşkun,Gümüş Ilknur,Karaca Ummahan,Levy Guy J (2016).  Relationship between soil water retention model parameters and structure stability.  Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 5(4), 314-321., Doi: 10.18393/ejss (Yayın No: 2958375)

Karaca Ummahan,Uyanöz Refik (2016).  Growth Mineral Acquisition and Ion Uptake Response of Common Bean  Phaseolus Vulgaris L.  Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 25(1), 14-22. (Yayın No: 2956966)

Atmaca Emel,Uyanöz Refik,Doğu Süleyman (2015).  Morphological Identification Of Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza On Bulbous Plants  Taurus Mountaın in Turkey.  ARCHIVES OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 67(2), 411-426., Doi: 10.2298/abs140417007k (Yayın No: 3295181)

Atmaca Emel,Uyanöz Refik (2011).  Occurrence of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Some Native Plants Grown on Saline Soils Around The Lake Tuz in Turkey and its Relations with Some Physical and Chemical Properties of Soil.  Scientific Research and Essays., 6(20), 4238-4245. (Yayın No: 3295959)

Hamurcu Mehmet,Hakki Erdoğan Eşref,Demiral Sert Tijen,Özdemir Canan,Minareci Ersin,Avşaroğlu Zuhal Zeynep,Gezgin Sait,Kayiş Seyit Ali,Bell Richard W (2016).  Extremely high boron tolerance in Puccinellia distans  Jacq   Parl  related to root boron exclusion and a well regulated antioxidant system.  Z. Naturforsch, 71(7-8c), 273-285., Doi: 10.1515/znc-2016-0226 (Yayın No: 3068296)

Gökbel Hakki,Özcan Mehmet Musa,Duran Ahmet,Hamurcu Mehmet,Çelik Mustafa,Uslu Nurhan,Demiral Tijen (2015).  Mineral Contents and Bioactive Properties of Centaura spp  Leave and Seeds.  IRANIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING-INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH EDITION, 34(4), 79-88. (Yayın No: 1976144)

M. Hamurcu, n. Uslu, f.a. Juhaimi, m.m. Özcan (2013).  Effect of Some Medicinal Tea Extracts on Some Oxidative Parameters of Sesame Oil.  Asian Journal of Chemistry, 25(17), 9901-9903., Doi: 10.14233/ajchem.2013.15582A (Yayın No: 291114)

Hamurcu Mehmet,Sekmen Esen Aşkim Hediye,Türkan Ismail,Gezgin Sait,Demiral Tijen,Richard W Bell (2013).  Induced anti oxidant activity in soybean alleviates oxidative stressunder moderate boron toxicity.  Plant Growth Regulation, 70, 217-226., Doi: 10.1007/s10725-013-9793-8 (Yayın No: 290946).

Genel olarak Anabilim dalında görevli öğretim üyelerinin 2013-2018 yılları arası yayın istatistikleri aşağıda sunulmuştur.


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Prof. Dr. Sait Gezgin








Prof. Dr. Cevdet Şeker








Prof. Dr. Mehmet Zengin








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Erdoğan Eşref Hakkı








Prof. Dr. Ayşen Akay








Prof. Dr.

Mustafa Harmankaya








Prof. Dr.

Mehmet Hamurcu








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Dr. Öğr. Üy. Emel ATMACA








Dr. Öğr. Üy. Anamika PANDEY








Dr. Öğr. Üy. Mohd Kamran KHAN








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