Erasmus Policy Statement (2021-27)

Selcuk University is dedicated to provide its students with a varied education with an international influence and is constantly striving to expand and improve its reputation for international involvement. Internationalisation cannot be imagined without mobilities and cross-border cooperation among institutions. Selcuk university is therefore considers Erasmus Programme as a process to achieve International Understanding and Cooperation by making mobility and cooperation one of the central elements of its institutional policy. More specifically, Selcuk University foresees that by participating in the Erasmus programme;

- Students will be able to study and/or gain work experience in a foreign country which would contribute to develop new skills, gain vital international experience and boost their employability

- Academic and administrative staff will be able to teach or train in a foreign country which would contribute to develop their professional practice, build relationships with international peers, and gain fresh ideas

- Selcuk University will be able to collaborate with international partners which would contribute to drive innovation, share best practice, and offer new opportunities to young people

Selcuk University is aware of the fact that successful participation of university, students, and staff in the exchange programmes triggers the expansion of their scope and raises the number of international projects. Based on its long-lasting ambition to internationalization process, Selcuk University is determined to promote all international programmes among its students and members of the staff. Selcuk University would like to transform to an international centre to attract the foreign students and academicians. Towards these aims, the university consistently looks for new opportunities for international cooperation projects, encourages its student and staff to participate in those projects and exempts them from regular responsibilities during the projects, while providing financial, logistic, and technical support for implementation and publication of those projects.

Selcuk University has a strong institutional commitment and interest to continue efforts in line with the EU Modernisation Agenda. Thus skill development, contribution to innovation and effective, efficient, inclusive and connected HE system are among the key policy objectives of Selcuk University. Therefore, by implementing unique European standards and acting in accordance with good and commonly adopted practices of the European countries, Selcuk University removes obstacles that prevent or hinder the exchange of information, ideas, knowledge, people and resources in the European Higher Education and Research Area and thus confirms its inclination towards being an open European university.

One of the key aspects of international cooperation supported by the Selcuk University is the extensive exchange of students, professors, assistants, researchers and administrative staff within the Erasmus+ Programme, as well as all other mobility schemes funded by the European Union. Improving the quantity and the quality of academic mobility is, and has been, one of the strategic priorities of Selcuk University. In addition, international credit mobility, apart from brining great benefit to individual students and staff is seen by Selcuk University as an exceptional capacity building and quality raising mechanism for university and faculty services in implementing the priorities set out the institutional Strategy of Internationalisation. Therefore, promoting Erasmus programme throughout the institution by increasing international collaborations, international staff and student mobility and developing joint programs with universities abroad are perfectly fit into our institutional internationalisation and modernisation strategy.

The main objective of the institutional strategic plan of Selcuk University which was nominated as a Candidate Research University by the Turkish higher Education Council, is to be a “world-class research university”. In order to achieve this objective, main goals have been determined in the axis of “internationalization” and completing the European Higher Education Area requirements, which is one of the effective tools of this target, has also shaped our strategies.

Selcuk University, which adopts continuous renewal and quality culture as its principle, aims to contribute to building a European Education Area through pursuing the following goals:

- To make the education and training quality competitive at the international level.

- To improve the international quality of the university by increasing the number of international joint / supported projects and the quality and quantity of international collaborations.

- To become a centre of attraction for international students and academicians with a view ensuring to access high-quality education, irrespective of their socio-economic background.

- To increase the number of qualified academic, scientific and social activities by spending time abroad to study and learn.

- To realize R&D and innovation programs that will reveal new sectors, products and brands that are competitive at international level and with high added value.

- To increase international cooperation studies with the world's leading universities in the fields of Medicine, Veterinary and Science, where Selcuk University is competent.

An important objective of the Selcuk University is to achieve the appropriate balance between incoming and outgoing mobility, and to make sure that extensive mobility of academic and administrative staff has a sustainable impact on the process of internationalisation at the institution as a whole. In order to encourage the involvement in international mobilities and projects Selcuk University has formed its "Assignment and Promotion Criteria" in favour and would like to extend its scope.

Given that the next Erasmus+ programme framework is approaching (2021-2027) and it is foreseen to be digital in nature, Selcuk University aims to ensure continuous and uninterrupted facilitation of digitalisation process. SU has already invested substantial efforts to digitalise their workflows and decrease paperwork burden, and at this point, it is becoming even more important to establish solid digital solutions, hence prepare for entirely digital management of Erasmus+ programme.

The rationale for Erasmus+ in Selcuk University is that skilled graduates are needed to achieve continued employment opportunities. Our students prioritize “competition, innovation and entrepreneurship” in the focus of internationalization and globalization. Therefore supporting international mobility and partnership projects will be intended to pursue in all education and training activities at Selcuk University.

Akademik Personel
İdari Personel
Meslek Yüksekokul
Araştırma Merkezi
Öğrenci Topluluğu