Bilimsel Yayınlar

Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler

A comparative study on detection of Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale antibodies in meat-type turkeys by dot immunobinding assay, rapid agglutination test and serum agglutination test By: Erganis, O; Hadimli, HH; Kav, K; et al. AVIAN PATHOLOGY Volume: 31 Issue: 2 Pages: 201-204 Published: APR 2002

Isolation of Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale from chickens and turkeys By: Erganis, O; Ates, M; Hadimli, HH; et al. Turkısh journal of veterınary & anımal scıences Volume: 26 Issue: 3 Pages: 543-547 Published: 2002

Vaccine development from serotypes 01, 02 and 078 of Escherichia coli against avian colibacillosis: Layer chickens By: Erganis, O; Hadimli, HH; Solmaz, H Turkısh journal of veterınary & anımal scıences Volume: 26 Issue: 6 Pages: 1213- 1221 Published: 2002

Comparison of rose bengal plate test antigens prepared from Brucella abortus, Brucella melitensis and Brucella suis By: Erganis, O; Hadimli, HH; Solmaz, H; et al. BULLETIN OF The Veterınary Instıtute IN Pulawy Volume: 49 Issue: 2 Pages: 165- 167 Published: 2005.

Efficacies of liposome-encapsulated enrofloxacin against Staphylococcus aureus infection in Anatolian shepherd dog monocytes in vitro By: Bas, AL; Simsek, A; Erganis, O; et al. Deutsche Tıerarztlıche Wochenschrıft Volume: 112 Issue: 6 Pages: 219- 223 Published: JUN 2005

Evaluation of a combined vaccine against staphylococcal mastitis in ewes By: Hadimli, HH; Erganis, O; Kav, K; et al. Bulletın of the Veterınary Instıtute ın Pulawy Volume: 49 Issue: 2 Pages: 179-182 Published: 2005

Toxinotyping of Clostridium perfringens isolates by ELISA and PCR from lambs suspected of enterotoxemia By: Hadimli, Hasan Huseyin; Erganis, Osman; Sayin, Zafer; et al. TURKISH JOURNAL OF Veterınary & anımal scıences Volume: 36 Issue: 4 Pages: 409- 415 Published: 2012

Bacterial penetration of restored cavities using two self-etching bonding systems. By Cobanoglu N, Ozer F, Demirci M, Erganis O, Imazato S. European Journal of Dentistry, Vol 8 / Issue 2 / Apr-Jun 2014 DOI: 10.4103/1305-7456.130590

Diagnosis of Bovine Tuberculosis by PPD-ELISA and Sonication-ELISA By: Sayin, Z.; Erganis, O. Israel Journal of veterınary medıcıne Volume: 68 Issue: 3 Pages: 180-184 Published: SEP 2013

The Effectiveness of Anti-R. equi Hyperimmune Plasma against R. equi Challenge in Thoroughbred Arabian Foals of Mares Vaccinated with R-equi Vaccine By: Erganis, Osman; Sayin, Zafer; Hadimli, Hasan Huseyin; et al. Scıentıfıc World Journal Article Number: 480732 Published: 2014

Efficacy of experimental inactivated and live Rhodococcus equi vaccines for thoroughbred Arabian mares in mice. By Osman Erganiş, Hasan Hüseyin Hadimli, Zafer Sayın, Aslı Sakmanoğlu, Yasemin Pınarkara, Özgür Özdemir Turk J Vet Anim Sci (2015) 39: 295-30, doi:10.3906/vet-1410-44.

Uçkun Sait Uçan, Zafer Sayın. Proliferation effects of phenylboronic acid and boric acid on canine peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Turk J Vet Anim Sci (2019) 43(2):229-234.

Zafer Sayın, Ali Uslu, Osman Erganiş, Abdullah Başoğlu, Özgür Özdemir, Aslı Sakmanoğlu, Uçkun Sait Uçan, Zeki Aras. Evaluation of Boron’s Adjuvant Activity in Inactive Bacterin Vaccines Using the Mice Model. Biological Trace Element Research (2021); 199: 1037–1043.

Zafer Sayın, Ali Uslu, Özgür Özdemir, Abdullah Başoğlu, Aslı Balevi, Uçkun Sait Uçan, Zeki Aras, Osman Erganiş. Determining the protective effect of a boron adjuvanted vaccine with an experimental infection model in mice. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 2023; 47(5):446-45.


Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler

Reliability of allergic skin tests in sheep vaccinated with Brucella melitensis Rev. 1 vaccine. Kaya, O.; Erganis, O.; Turutoglu, H. Veterinarium Volume: 2 Issue: 3-4 Pages: 22- 25 Published: 1991.

Determination of N-acetyl- beta -D-glucosaminidase enzyme activity in bovine milk for the early diagnosis of subclinical mastitis. Nizamlioglu, M.; Kalaycioglu, L.; Dinc, D. I., et al. Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, Selcuk Universitesi Volume: 8 Issue: 2 Pages: 60- 63 Published: 1992 ISSN 1011-2057.

Studies on staphylococcal vaccines for mastitis in dairy cows. Hadimli, H. H.; Erganis, O. Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi Volume: 17 Issue: 4 Pages: 9-19 Published: 2001 ISSN 1011- 2057

Vaccine development from serotypes O1, O2, O78 and O101 of Escherichia coli against avian colibasillosis in layers. Hadimli, H. H.; Erganis, O.; Kav, K., et al.. Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi Volume: 22 Issue: 3/4 Pages: 15-19 Published: 2006 Article Number: ISSN 1011- 2057

Vaccine development from serotypes O1, O2, O78 and O101 of Escherichia coli against avian colibasillosis in broilers. Erganis, O.; Hadimli, H. H.; Solmaz, H. Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi Volume: 22 Issue: 1/2 Pages: 89-94 Published 2006 ISSN 1011-2057.

Production and development of vaccines for Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale infection in turkeys, Erganiş, O, Hadimli H.H., Kav, K, Sayın Z, Aras Z Eurasian J Vet Sci, 2010, 26, 2, 101-107, 2010.

Production and development of vaccines for Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale infection in broilers, by Erganiş, O, Hadimli H.H., Kav, K, Sayın Z.Eurasian J Vet Sci, 27 (2): 93-98, 2011.

Farelerde inaktif Arcanonbacterium pyogenes aşılarının etkinliği,by Hadimli, H. H., Sayın, Z., Pınarkara, Y., Sakmanoğlu, A., Temimhan, M. S., Erganiş, O. Eurosian J. Vet. Sci., 28 (3), 133-137, 2012.

Zafer Sayin, Uçkun Sait Uçan, Asli Balevi. Antibacterial and Antibiofilm Effects of Boron on Different Bacteria. Biological Trace Element Research (2016): 173(1).

Uçkun Sait Uçan, Aslı Balevi, Ali Uslu, Zafer Sayın. Evaluation of Nigella sativa's cold press oil as vaccine adjuvant. Eurasian J Vet Sci (2020): 36(3).


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