8/16/2024 - Institute of Health Sciences
Candidates can see their application status by logging in to the application page section at https://ensbis.selcuk.edu.tr/OnBasvuru/LoginOnBasvuru with their candidate number and password and see the exam results.
Master's programs written science exams; 50% of the ALES score + 25% of the undergraduate graduation grade point average is taken and ranked starting from the highest score. Candidates up to 4 (four) times the announced quota number are entitled to take the written science exam.
Doctorate programs written science exams; 50% of the ALES score + 25% of the undergraduate graduation grade point average (graduates of medical, dentistry, veterinary faculties) or 25% of the graduate graduation grade point average are taken and ranked starting from the highest score. Candidates up to 4 (four) times the announced quota number are entitled to take the written science exam.
According to the success grades determined by taking 50% of ALES score, 25% of undergraduate weighted graduation grade point average and 25% of written science exam grade in the entrance to master's programs, starting from the candidate with the highest score and according to the announced quota, priority is given to the candidate with the higher undergraduate grade point average, provided that they receive at least 2.40 points.
In order to enter doctoral programs, 50% of the ALES score, 25% of the undergraduate weighted grade point average of graduates of medicine, dentistry, veterinary faculties or 25% of the graduate weighted grade point average of those applying with a master's degree, and 25% of the written science exam score are taken into account. According to the success grades determined by taking a minimum score of 2.50 (65.00 in the hundred system), the candidate with the highest score is entitled to register to the program they applied for according to the announced quota, starting from the candidate with the highest score. In case of a tie in the ranking, priority is given to the candidate with the highest master's degree grade point average. Candidates who "do not receive at least 50 points" in the written science exam of master's and doctoral programs and "do not take these exams" will be considered unsuccessful and will not be evaluated.
The final registrations of candidates who have earned the right to final registration will be made by sending the documents specified below (completely) to the e-mail address sagbil.kayit@selcuk.edu.tr between August 19-23, 2024.
The documents must be scanned from the scanner and sent as a SINGLE FILE in PDF format.
In case of incomplete documents, the registration process will not be carried out.
E-mails sent by candidates who have earned the right to final registration after the end of business hours on August 23, 2024 (17:00) will not be taken into consideration and they will lose their final registration rights.
The student numbers and passwords of candidates whose documents reach our Institute via e-mail will be sent to the e-mail addresses they have declared.
Personal and cargo applications will definitely not be accepted.
Final registration petition (scanning process should be done after signing.) Click for final registration petition.
A bachelor's degree for those placed in master's programs, a certified copy of bachelor's and master's degrees for those placed in doctoral programs or a barcoded printout from e-government.
A document showing the courses taken in undergraduate and graduate education and transcripts for those applying to master's programs (certified transcript or a barcoded printout from e-government).
Ales exam result document showing that a minimum of 55 points were received from the relevant score type in the ALES exam. (Barcoded printout to be obtained from ÖSYM website)
Foreign Language Exam Result Document for PhD applicants (Barcoded printout to be obtained from ÖSYM website)
A copy of Republic of Turkey ID Card
Military Service Status Document (Can be obtained from e-government, with a recent date and barcode.)
2 Passport photos (Must be submitted to the Institute when education - Training starts.
Candidates who have the right to final registration via e-mail until the end of business hours on August 23, 2024, and who do not register, (If there is a "Reserve registration right" statement in the pre-application system of candidates in Reserve Registration status) will be announced on our website on August 26, 2024 and their final registrations will be taken on August 27, 2024.
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