9/25/2020 - Institute of Health Sciences
Based on the letter received from the Presidency of the Council of Higher Education about the Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) number that should be used by faculty members and graduate students in the infrastructure of the YÖK Open Science and Open Access System, it is urgently required to be obtained by our graduate students and faculty members who do not have an ORCID number.
It is strongly announced to all our graduate students and faculty members.
Click here for the decision of the Council of Higher Education.
Click here for the relevant letter of the Rectorate of our University.
Obtaining an Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) number;
Registration Link: https://orcid.org/register
Click here for the "help document" prepared by YÖK Thesis Center to assist in obtaining an ORCID number.
After obtaining the ORCID number, it can be processed into the YÖK system by following the steps below;
For Graduate Students;
http://tez2.yok.gov.tr → Login → Membership Information → Get ORCID number → Login to the page that opens with e-mail and password → Select "Authorize" → Press "update" on the directed page.
For Faculty Members;
https://yoksis.yok.gov.tr → Personal Information → Personnel Transactions → Resume Transactions → Resume Creation → Personal Information →YÖK Academy →ORCID number