Selçuk University Central Library cooperates with domestic and international libraries and information centers in order to meet the needs of users and to provide books and articles that are not in the collection of Selçuk University Central Library. Books that are not in the collection of Selçuk University Central Library are borrowed from libraries in Turkey and abroad through ILL. In order to borrow books from other libraries, it is necessary to fill out the ILL (Interlibrary Cooperation)/Document Provision form on our library's web page. In addition to lending books, our library also provides articles from other libraries' electronic and printed journals.
When the requested resource arrives at the library, you will be informed by phone or e-mail when and where you will receive the resource. For more information, please call 0 332 223 2437 or send an e-mail to
Document Provision and Lending Process for Articles and Books Requested from Other University and Research Libraries by Academic Staff of our University
The ILL process is carried out entirely according to the lending policy of the requesting library (such as how many books can be borrowed at the same time and for how long).
- Requests for periodicals, reference materials, theses, books on reserve, and books marked "not for loan" are not evaluated.
- Books borrowed through ILL are sent to our Library by the relevant institution. Our users can pick up the books from the Information Desk of our library.
- All shipping fees paid within the scope of ILL belong to the requesting user.
- The arrival time of the borrowed book varies according to the institution sending the book and the time it takes in the cargo.
- The requesting user is deemed to have agreed to use the book without violating copyrights and to return it within the requested period.
- It is extremely important that the books brought within the scope of ILL are delivered to the requesting library on time. In case of delay, the relevant library evaluates the issue as institutional, not individual, and subsequent book requests are not sent.
- Books that have expired must be returned to our Library at least three days before the due date, complete and intact.
- If the book is not returned on time or is lost, the rules of the library from which the publication was borrowed apply.
Document Provision and Lending Process for Articles and Books Requested from Our Library by Other University and Research Libraries
University and research libraries can benefit from interlibrary loan (ILL) service.
- Selçuk University Library accepts book and article requests through KİTS (ANKOS Interlibrary Cooperation Tracking System).
- University and research libraries can borrow 10 books for 1 month.
- The periods of the borrowed books can be extended 1 time if there is no other request. The extension is approved by the authorized librarian.
- A fine of 0.50 TL per day is charged for late returned books. Requests from the library with overdue books will not be processed.
- The requested books are sent by cargo. Books that need to be returned to our library must also be delivered by cargo. All costs related to cargo belong to the requesting library.
- Journals, consultation resources, rare books, short-term lending (reserve) and multimedia materials are not lent.
For any questions and requests regarding these issues, please send an e-mail to
Document Provision
Only Selçuk University Academic Staff can benefit from this service.
- Requests can be made for articles, books and theses (for books and theses; table of contents, bibliography, abstract and a selected chapter). Due to copyrights, all sources cannot be photocopied.
- Our users are required to come to the library or fill out the Article request form online.
- Photocopying and postage/cargo fees for document requests are covered by the requesting user.
- For requests from abroad, the costs related to the document provision fee and copyrights determined by the relevant institutions are covered by the requesting user.
- One user can request up to 10 articles at the same time.
- The time to fulfill the requests varies depending on the document delivery policies of the relevant library.