Yayınlar ve Atıflar
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TR Dizin SCI, SCIE Diğer İndexler SCI, SCIE Diğer
186 266 63 2584 2982

Sur E. (2024). Determination of the embryotoxic effects of propofol injected into eggs on the cerebellum and spinal cord using histologic methods: an animal study. Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences54(1), 1-15.

Ündağ İ.,  Dönmez HH. (2023). Protective Effect of Nigella Sativa Oil on Hippocampus in Acrylamide-Induced Toxicity in Rats. Pakistan Veterinary Journal43(3).

Bölükbaş F., Öznurlu Y. (2023). Determining the effects of in ovo administration of monosodium glutamate on the embryonic development of brain in chickens. NeuroToxicology94, 87-97.

Arslan C., Pirinç A., Eker N., Sur E., Ündağ İ., Kuşat T. (2022). Dietary encapsulated essential oil mixture influence on apparent nutrient digestibility, serum metabolic profile, lymphocyte histochemistry and intestinal morphology of laying hens. Animal bioscience35(5), 740.

Öznurlu Y., Özaydın T., Sur E., Kuşat T. (2022). The effects of bisphenol A injected into egg yolk on skeletal muscle development in chicken.

Öznurlu, Y. Özaydın T., Sur E., Özparlak H. (2021). The effects of in ovo administered bisphenol A on tibial growth plate histology in chicken. Birth Defects Research113(15), 1130-1139.

Özaydın T., Öznurlu Y., Sur E., Çelik İ., Uluışık D. (2018). The effects of bisphenol A on some plasma cytokine levels and distribution of CD8+ and CD4+ T lymphocytes in spleen, ileal Peyer’s patch and bronchus associated lymphoid tissue in rats. Acta histochemica120(8), 728-733.

Sur E., Öznurlu Y., Özaydın T. (2014). Gebe Farelerde perifer kan ve Endometriyum Dokusunda T-lenfosit, Null lenfosit ve asit Fosfataz pozitif Lenfositlerin Oran ve Dağılımları. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg20(1), 135-141.

Dönmez, H. H., Eken, E., Beşoluk, K., Sur, E. (2012). The histological characteristics and localisation of ACP and ANAE positive lymphocytes in the oesophageal tonsil of the duck (Anas platyrhynchos). Avian Biology Research5(1), 11-15.

Sur, E., Öznurlu, Y, Özaydın, T., Çolakoğlu, F., Ünsal, S., Yener, Y. (2011). Comparative histometrical study of the cerebellum and the determination of some AgNor parameters in different avian species. Bull Vet Inst Pulawy55, 261-265.

Dönmez HH., Sur E., Boydak M. (2007). Determination of alpha naphthyl acetate esterase activity in peripheral blood leucocytes of Kangal fish (Garra rufa). Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences23(2), 81-84.

Dönmez HH, Sur E. (2007). Ergin evcil ördeklerin (Anas platryhynchos) perifer kan lenfositlerinde alfa-naftil asetat esteraz ve asit fosfataz aktivitesinin belirlenmesi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi2(4), 122-128.

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