SCI Yayınlarımız

2002 Yılı

1- Arı H, Üngör M. In vitro Comparison of Different Types of Sodium Perborate Used for Intracoronal Bleaching of Discoloured Teeth. International Endodontic Journal, 2002, 35:433-436.
2- Ataoglu T, Ungor M, Serpek B, Haliloglu S, Ataoglu H, Ari H. Interleukin-1b and tumour necrosis factor-a levels in periapical exudates. International Endodontic Journal. 2002, 35:181-5.
3- Ataoğlu H, Alptekin NÖ, Haliloğlu S, Gürsel M, Ataoğlu T, Serpek S, Durmuş, E. Interleukin- 1b, tumor necrosis factor-a, levels and neutrophil elastase activity in peri-implant crevicular fluid: Correlation with clinical parameters and effect of smoking. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 2002, 13:470-475.
4- Ataoğlu H, Küçükkolbaşı H, Ataoğlu T. Posterior segmental osteotomy of maxillary edentulous ridge : alternative to vertical reduction. International Journal of Oral & Maksillofacial Surgery, 2002, 31:558-9
5- Ataoğlu H, Uçkan S, Öz G, Altınörs N. Maxillofacial Hydatid Cyst. Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, 2002, 60:454-456.
6- Basciftci FA, Karaman AI. Effects of a modified acrylic bonded rapid maxillary expansion appliance and vertical chin cap on dentofacial structures. Angle Orthodontics, 2002, 72:61-71.
7- Basciftci FA, Mutlu N, Karaman AI, Malkoc S, Kucukkolbasi H. Does the timing and method of rapid maxillary expansion have an effect on the changes in nasal dimensions? Angle Orthodontics, 2002, 72:118-23.
8- Çobankara FK, Adanır N, Belli S, Pashley DH. A quantitative evaluation of apical leakage of four root canal sealers. Journal of Endodontics, 2002, 35:979-984.
9- Çobankara FK, Üngör M, Belli S. The effect of two different root canal sealers and smear layer on resistance to root fracture. Journal of Endodontics, 2002, 28:606-609.
10- Demir A, Basciftci FA, Gelgor IE, Karaman AI. Maxillary canine transposition. Journal of Clinical Orthodontics, 2002, 36:35-7.
11- Eskitaşcıoğlu G, Belli S, Kalkan M. Evaluation of two post core systems using two different methods (Fracture strength test and a finite elemental stress analysis). Journal of Endodontics, 2002, 28:629-633.
12- Eskitaşcıoğlu G, Belli S. Use of bondable reinforcement fiber for post and core build-up in an endodontically treated tooth: A case report. Quintessence International, 2002 33: 549-551.
13- Gürsel M, Aldemir Os, Özgür Z, Ataoğlu T.: A rare case of gingival myiasis caused by diptera (Calliphoridae). Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 2002, 29:777-80.
14- Karaman AI, Basciftci FA, Polat O. Unilateral distal molar movement with an implant-supported distal jet appliance. Angle Orthodontics, 2002, 72:167-74.
15- Karaman AI, Kir N, Belli S. Four applications of reinforced polyethylene fiber material in orthodontic practice. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics, 2002, 121:650-4.
16- Karaman AI. The effects of nitanium maxillary expander appliances on dentofacial structures. Angle Orthodontics, 2002, 72:344-54.
17- Ozer F, Unlu N, Ozturk B, Sengun A. Amalgam Repair: Evaluation of bond strength and microleakage. Operative Dentistry, 2002, 27:199-203.
18- Sengun A, Ozer F. Restoring function and esthetics in a patient with amelogenesis imperfecta: a case report. Quintessence International, 2002, 33:199-204.
19- Sengun A, Unlu N, Ozer F & Ozturk B. Bond strength of five current adhesives to caries-affected dentin. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 2002, 29:777-781.
20- Usumez S, Orhan M, Usumez A. Laser etching of enamel for direct bonding with an Er,Cr:YSGG hydrokinetic laser system. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics, 2002, 122:649-56.

2003 Yılı

1- Arı H, Yaşar E, Belli S. Effects of NAOCI on Bond Strengths of Resin Cements to Root Canal Dentin. Journal of Endodontics, 2003, 29:248-251.
2- Basciftci FA, Usumez S. Effects of extraction and nonextraction treatment on class I and class II subjects. Angle Orthodontics, 2003, 73:36-42.
3- Basciftci FA, Uysal T, Buyukerkmen A, Sari Z. The effects of activator treatment on the craniofacial structures of Class II division 1 patients. European Journal of Orthodontics, 2003, 25:87-93.
4- Basciftci FA, Uysal T, Buyukerkmen A. Determination of Holdaway soft tissue norms in Anatolian Turkish adults. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics, 2003, 123:395-400.
5- Buyukyilmaz T, Usumez S, Karaman AI. Effect of self-etching primers on bond strength-Are they reliable? Angle Orthodontics, 2003, 73:64-70.
6- Dolanmaz D, Karaman AI, Durmus E, Malkoc S. Management of alveolar clefts using dento-osseous transport distraction osteogenesis. Angle Orthodontics, 2003, 73:723-9.
7- Dolanmaz D, Karaman AI, Ozyesil AG.Maxillary anterior segmental advancement by using distraction osteogenesis: a case report. Angle Orthodontics, 2003, 73:201-5.
8- Durmus E, Celik I, Ozturk A, Ozkan Y, Aydın MF. Evaluation of the Potential Beneficial Effects of Ostrich Eggshell Combined with Eggshell Membranes in Healing of Cranial Defects in Rabbits. Journal of International Medical Research, 2003, 31:223-230.
9- Durmuş E, Kalaycı A, Öztürk A, Günhan Ö. Desmoplastic Ameloblastoma in the Mandible. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 2003, 4:873-875.
10- Durmuş E, Öz G, Güler N, Avunduk M, Çalışkan Ü, Blanchaert RH. Intraosseous Mandibular Lesion. Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, 2003, 61:246-249.
11- Karaman AI, Polat O, Buyukyilmaz T. A practical method of fabricating a lingual retainer. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics, 2003, 124:327-30.
12- Ozer F, Karakaya S, Unlu N, Erganis O, Kav K, Imazato S. Comparison of antibacterial activity of two dentin bonding systems using agar well technique and tooth cavity model. Journal of Dentistry, 2003, 31:111-116.
13- Ozer F, Unlu N, Sengun A. Influence of dentinal regions on bond strengths of different adhesive systems. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 2003, 30:659-663.
14- Ozturk N, Aykent F. Dentin bond strengths of two ceramic inlay systems after cementation with three different techniques and one bonding system. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 2003, 89:275-81.
15- Sarı T, Üşümez A. Restoring function and esthetics in a patient with amelogenesis imperfecta: a clinical report, Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 2003, 90:522-5.
16- Sari Z, Goyenc Y, Doruk C, Usumez S. Comparative evaluation of a new removable Jasper Jumper functional appliance vs an activator-headgear combination. Angle Orthodontics, 2003, 73:286-93.
17- Sari Z, Uysal T, Usumez S, Basciftci FA. Rapid maxillary expansion. Is it better in the mixed or in the permanent dentition? Angle Orthodontics, 2003, 73:654-61.
18- Sengun A, Ozer F, Unlu N & Ozturk B. Shear Bond Strength of tooth fragments reattached or restored. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 2003, 30:82-86.
19- Sengun A, Ozturk B, Ozer F. The effect of simulated intrapulpal pressure on bond strength to enamel and dentine. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 2003, 30:550-555.
20- Usumez A, Aykent F. Bond strengths of porcelain laminate veneers to tooth surfaces prepared with acid and Er,Cr:YSGG laser etching. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 2003, 90:24-30.
21- Usumez S, Buyukyilmaz T, Karaman AI. Effects of fast halogen and plasma arc curing lights on the surface hardness of orthodontic adhesives for lingual retainers. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics, 2003, 123:641-8.
22- Usumez S, Iseri H, Orhan M, Basciftci FA. Effect of rapid maxillary expansion on nocturnal enuresis. Angle Orthodontics, 2003, 73:532-8.
23- Usumez S, Orhan M. Reproducibility of natural head position measured with an inclinometer. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics, 2003, 123:451-4.
24- Uysal T, Basciftci FA, Usumez S, Sari Z, Buyukerkmen A. Can previously bleached teeth be bonded safely? American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics, 2003, 123:628-32.
25- Üşümez A, Üşümez S, Orhan M. Effect of complete dentures on dynamic measurement of changing head position: a pilot study. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 2003, 90:394-400.
26- Guler N, Yatmaz PI, Ataoglu H, Emlik D, Uckan S. Temporomandibular internal derangement: correlation of MRI findings with clinical symptoms of pain and joint sounds in patients with bruxing behaviour. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology, 2003, 32:304-10.

2004 Yılı

1- Basciftci FA, Korkmaz HH, Iseri H, Malkoc S. Biomechanical evaluation of mandibular midline distraction osteogenesis by using the finite element method. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics, 2004, 125:706-15.
2- Basciftci FA, Uysal T, Buyukerkmen A, Demir A. The influence of extraction treatment on Holdaway soft-tissue measurements. Angle Orthodontics, 2004, 74:167-73.
3- Basciftci FA, Uysal T, Buyukerkmen A. Craniofacial structure of Anatolian Turkish adults with normal occlusions and well-balanced faces. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics, 2004, 125:366-72.
4- Çobankara FK, Adanır N, Belli S. Evaluation of the influence of smear layer on the apical and coronal sealing ağabeylity of two sealers. Journal of Endodontics, 2004, 30:406-409.
5- Çobankara FK, Ünlü N, Altınöz HC, Füsun Ö. Effect of home bleaching agents on the roughness and surface morphology of human enamel and dentine. International Dentistry Journal. 2004, 54:211-218.
6- Demir A, Uysal T, Guray E, Basciftci FA. The relationship between bruxism and occlusal factors among seven- to 19-year-old Turkish children. Angle Orthodontics, 2004, 74:672-6.
7- Dolanmaz D, Tuz H, Bayraktar S, Metin M, Erdem E, Baykul T. Use of pedicled buccal fat pad in the closure of oroantral communication: analysis of 75 cases. Quintessence International, 2004, 35:241-6.
8- Dolanmaz D, Uckan S, Isik K, Saglam H. Comparison of stability of absorbable and titanium plate and screw fixation for sagittal split ramus osteotomy. British Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, 2004, 42:127-32.
9- Duran, I and Erdemir, E.O. Periodontal treatment needs of patients with renal disease receiving haemodialysis. International Dental Journal, 2004, 54:274-278.
10- Duran, I, Sengun, A. The long-term effectiveness of five current desensitizing products on cervical dentine sensitivity. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 2004, 31:351-356.
11- Durmus E, Dolanmaz D, Kucukkolbsi H, Mutlu N.Accidental displacement of impacted maxillary and mandibular third molars. Quintessence International, 2004, 35:375-7.
12- Erdemir A, Ari H, Güngüneş H, Belli S. Effect of medicaments for root canal treatment on bonding to root canal dentin. Journal of Endodontics, 2004, 30:113-116.
13- Erdemir A, Eldeniz AÜ, Belli S, Pashley DH. Effect of solvents on bonding to root canal dentin. Journal of Endodontics, 2004, 30:589-592.
14- Erdemir A, Eldeniz AÜ, Belli S. Effect of gutta percha solvents on mineral contents of human root dentin using ICP-AES technique. Journal of Endodontics, 2004, 30:54-56.
15- Erdemir, E.O., Duran, I. and Haliloglu S. The effects of smoking on clinical parameters and the gingival crevicular fluid levels of Il-6 and TNF-α in patients with chronic periodontitis. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 2004, 31:99-104.
16- Eskitaşcıoğlu G, Eskitaşcıoğlu A, Belli S. Use of polyethylene ribbon to create a provisional fixed partial denture after immediate implant placement: A clinical report. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 2004, 91:11-14.
17- Eskitaşçıoğlu G, Üşümez A, Sevimay M, Soykan E, Ünsal E. The influence of occlusal loading location on stresses transferred to implant-supported prostheses and supporting bone: a three-dimensional finite element study, Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 2004, 91:144-50.
18- Gelgor IE, Buyukyilmaz T, Karaman AI, Dolanmaz D, Kalayci A. Intraosseous screw-supported upper molar distalization. Angle Orthodontics, 2004, 74:838-50.
19- Goyenc Y, Ersoy S. The effect of a modified reverse headgear force applied with a facebow on the dentofacial structures. European Journal of Orthodontics, 2004, 26:51-7.
20- Gurbuz A, Kalkan M, Ozturk AN, Eskitascioglu G. Nasal prosthesis rehabilitation: a case report. Quintessence International, 2004, 35:655-6.
21- Karakaya S, Unlu N, Sazak-Ovecoglu H and Ozer F. Surface roughness and hardness of some dental ceramics and restorative resins. Key Engineering Materials, 2004, 264-268:2095-2098.
22- Karaman AI, Uysal T. Effectiveness of a hydrophilic primer when different antimicrobial agents are mixed. Angle Orthodontics, 2004, 74:414-9.
23- Malkoc S, Buyukyilmaz T, Gelgor I, Gursel M. Comparison of two different gingivectomy techniques for gingival cleft treatment. Angle Orthodontics, 2004, 74:375-80.
24- Malkoc S, Guray E. Mandibular incisor stability in first premolar extraction patients: A comparison of self aligment versus traditional edgewise treatment. Orthodontics, 2004, 1:263-270.
25- Mutlu MN, Erdal ME, Herken H, Öz G, Beyazıt YA T102C Polymorphism of The 5HT2A Receptor Gene May Be Associated With Temporomandibular Dysfunction. Oral Diseases, 2004, 10:349-352.
26- Ozturk AN, Belli S, Eskitascioglu G. The in vitro effect of pulpal pressure and luting agent on tensile bond strength of complete cast crowns. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 2004, 91:253-7.
27- Ozturk AN, Ozturk B, Aykent F. Microleakage of different cementation techniques in Class V ceramic inlays. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 2004, 31:1192-6.
28- Ozturk B, Ozer F, Belli S. An in vitro comparison of adhesive systems to seal pulp chamber walls. International Endodontic Journal, 2004, 37:297-306.
29- Ozturk B, Ozer F. Effect of NaOCl on bond strengths of bonding agents to pulp chamber lateral walls. Journal of Endodontics, 2004, 30:361-365.
30- Ozturk B, Ozturk AN, Usumez A, Usumez S, Ozer F. Temperature rise during adhesive and resin composite polymerization with various light curing sources. Operative Dentistry, 2004, 29:325-332.
31- Ozturk B, Ozturk N, Sazak-Ovecoglu H, Ozer F. Shear bond strength of three luting cements to two ceramic materials. Key Engineering Materials, 2004, 264-268:1993-1996.
32- Ozturk B, Usumez A, Ozturk AN, Ozer F. In vitro assesment of temperature change in the pulp chamber dureing cavity preparation. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 2004, 91:436-440.
33- Öz G, Dolanmaz D, Uçkan S, Günhan Ö, Armstrong JW Persistent Painful Swelling In The Posterior Mandible. Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, 2004, 62:1139-1143.
34- Öztürk AN, Sarı Z, Öztürk B. An interdisciplinary approach for restoring function and esthetics in a patient with amelogenesis imperfecta and malocclusion: a clinical report. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 2004, 92:112-5.
35- Öztürk AN, Üşümez A, Öztürk B, Üşümez S. Influence of different light sources on microleakage of class v composite resin restorations. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 2004, 31:500-4.
36- Öztürk AN, Üşümez A. Influence of different light sources on microtensile bond strength and gap formation of resin cement under porcelain inlay restorations. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 2004, 31:905-10.
37- Özyeşil A, Üşümez A, Gündüz B. The efficiency of different light sources to polymerize composite beneath a simulated ceramic restoration, Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 2004, 91:151-7.
38- Polat O, Karaman AI, Buyukyilmaz T. In vitro evaluation of shear bond strengths and in vivo analysis of bond survival of indirect-bonding resins. Angle Orthodontics, 2004, 74:405-9.
39- Sengun A, Sari Z, Ramoglu SI, Malkoc S, Duran I. Evaluation of dental plaque pH recovery effect of a xylitol lozenge on patients with fixed orthodontic appliances. Angle Orthodontics, 2004, 74:240-244.
40- Şener S, Akgünlü F MRI characteristics of anterior disc displacement with and without reduction. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology, 2004, 33:245-252.
41- Unlu N, Cobankara FK, Altınoz C & Ozer F. Effect of home bleaching agents on the microhardness of human enamel and dentin. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 2004, 31:57-61.
42- Unlu N, Donmez N, Sengun A, Ozer F. An evaluation of surface hardness, roughness and wear of restorative composites, porcelain and enamel following abrasion by enamel. Key Engineering Materials, 2004, 264-268:2001-2004.
43- Usumez A, Inan O, Aykent F. Bond strength of a silicone lining material to alumina-abraded and lased denture resin. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part B, Applied Biomaterials, 2004, 71:196-200.
44- Usumez A, Ozturk AN, Aykent F. The effect of dentin desensitizers on thermal changes in the pulp chamber during fabrication of provisional restorations. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 2004, 31:579-84.
45- Usumez S, Buyukyilmaz T, Karaman AI. Effect of light-emitting diode on bond strength of orthodontic brackets. Angle Orthodontics, 2004, 74:259-63.
46- Usumez S, Oz F, Guray E. Comparison of clinical and magnetic resonance imaging diagnoses in patients with TMD history. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 2004, 31:52-6.
47- Usumez S, Uysal T, Sari Z, Basciftci FA, Karaman AI, Guray E. The effects of early preorthodontic trainer treatment on Class II, division 1 patients. Angle Orthodontics, 2004, 74:605-9.
48- Uysal T, Sari Z, Demir A. Are the flowable composites suitable for orthodontic bracket bonding? Angle Orthodontics, 2004, 74:697-702.
49- Uysal T, Sari Z, Ramoglu SI, Basciftci FA. Relationships between dental and skeletal maturity in Turkish subjects. Angle Orthodontics, 2004, 74:657-64.
50- Üşümez A, Kont Çobankara F, Öztürk AN, Eskıtascıoglu G, Belli B, Microleakage of endodontically treated teeth with different dowel systems. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 2004, 92:163-9.
51- Üşümez A, Öztürk AN, Üşümez S, Öztürk B. The efficiency of different light sources to polymerize resin cement beneath porcelain laminate veneers. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 2004, 31:160-5.
52- Üşümez A, Öztürk AN. Temperature rise during cement polymerization under a ceramic restoration: effect of type of curing units. International Journal of Prosthodontics, 2004, 17:200-4.

2005 Yılı

1- Alptekin NÖ, Arı H, Ataoğlu T, Haliloğlu S, Alptekin T, Serpek B. Neutrophil elastase levels in periapical exudates of symptomatic and asymptomatic teeth. Journal of Endodontics, 2005, 31:350-353.
2- Alptekin NÖ, Arı H, Haliloğlu S, Alptekin T, Serpek B, Ataoğlu T. The effect of endodontic therapy on periapical exudate neutrophil elastase and Prostaglandin-E2 levels. Journal of Endodontics, 2005, 31:791-795.
3- Arı S, Erdemir A. Effect of endodontic irrigation solutions on mineral content of root canal dentin using ICP-AES technique. Journal of Endodontics, 2005, 31:187-9.
4- Aykent F, Usumez A, Ozturk AN, Yucel MT. Effect of provisional restorations on the final bond strengths of porcelain laminate veneers. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 2005, 32:46-50.
5- Belli S, Eskitaşcioglu G, Eraslan O, Senawongse P, Tagami J. Effect of hybrid layer on stress distribution in a premolar tooth restored with compozite or ceramic inlay: A Fem Study. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, 2005, 2:665-668.
6- Belli S. Erdemir A, Yildirim C, Reinforcement effect of polyethylene fibre in root-filled teeth: comparison of two restoration techniques. International Endodontic Journal, 2005, 38:1-7.
7- Cagli NA, Hakki SS, Dursun R, Toy H, Gokalp A, Ryu OH, Hart PS, Hart TC. Clinical, genetic, and biochemical findings in two siblings with Papillon-Lefevre Syndrome. Journal of Periodontology, 2005, 76: 2322-2329.
8- Demir A, Malkoc S, Sengun A, Koyuturk AE, Sener Y. Effects of chlorhexidine and povidone-iodine mouth rinses on the bond strength of an orthodontic composite. Angle Orthodontics, 2005, 75:392-6.
9- Demir A, Uysal T, Basciftci FA, Guray E. The association of occlusal factors with masticatory muscle tenderness in 10- to 19-year old Turkish subjects. Angle Orthodontics, 2005, 75:40-6.
10- Demir A, Uysal T, Sari Z, Basciftci FA. Effects of camouflage treatment on dentofacial structures in Class II division 1 mandibular retrognathic patients. European Journal of Orthodontics, 2005, 27:524-31.
11- Duran, İ., Sengun, A., Yildirim, T. and Ozturk B. In vitro dentine permeability evaluation of HEMA-based (desensitizing) products using split-chamber model following in vivo application in the dog. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 2005, 32:34-38
12- Durmus E, Inan O, Celik I, Sur E, Ozkan Y, Acar A, Aydin MF. Use of the fertilized hen’s egg in the evaluation of embryotoxicity of dental alloys. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, 2005, 72:322-7.
13- Eldeniz AU, Erdemir A, Belli S. Effect of EDTA and citric acid solutions on the microhardness and the roughness of human root canal dentin. Journal of Endodontics, 2005, 31:107-10.
14- Eldeniz AU, Erdemir A, Belli S. Shear bond strength of three resin based sealers to dentin with and without the smear layer. Journal of Endodontics, 2005, 31:293-6.
15- Eldeniz AU, Usumez A, Usumez S, Ozturk N. Pulpal temperature rise during light-activated bleaching. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, 2005, 72:254-9.
16- Eraslan O, Sevimay M, Usumez A, Eskitascioglu G. Effects of cantilever design and material on stress distribution in fixed partial dentures–a finite element analysis. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 2005, 32:273-8.
17- Gelgor IE, Karaman AI. Non-surgical treatment of Class III malocclusion in adults: two case reports. Journal of Orthodontics, 2005, 32:89-97.
18- Hakki SS, Aprikyan AA, Yildirim S, Aydinbelge M, Gokalp A, Ucar C, Guran S, Koseoglu V, Ataoglu T, Somerman MJ. Periodontal status in two siblings with severe congenital neutropenia: diagnosis and mutational analysis of the cases. Journal of Periodontology, 2005, 76:837-844.
19- Hakki SS, Ataoglu T, Avunduk MC, Erdemli E, Gunhan O, Rahman N. Periodontal treatment of two siblings with juvenile hyaline fibromatosis. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 2005, 32:1016-1021.
20- Hakki SS, Balci B, Hakki EE, Yilmaz E, Nohutcu RM. Identification of the difference in extracellular matrix and adhesion molecules of cultured human gingival fibroblasts versus juvenile hyaline fibromatosis gingival fibroblasts using cDNA microarray analysis. Journal of Periodontology, 2005, 76:2244-2253.
21- Hakki SS, Nohutcu RM, Hakki EE, Berry JE, Akkaya MS, Somerman MJ. Dexamethasone and basic-fibroblast growth factor regulate markers of mineralization in cementoblasts in vitro. Journal of Periodontology, 2005, 76:1550-1558.
22- Kalayci A, Ozturk A, Ozturk K, Karagozoglu E, Dolanmaz D.Superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase enzyme activities in larynx carcinoma. Acta Oto-laryngologica, 2005 125:312-5.
23- Karakaya S, Sengun A, Ozer F. Evaluation of internal adaptation in ceramic and composite resin inlays by silicon replica technique. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 2005, 32:448-453.
24- Koca OL, Eskitascioglu G, Usumez A. Three-dimensional finite-element analysis of functional stresses in different bone locations produced by implants placed in the maxillary posterior region of the sinus floor. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 2005, 93:38-44.
25- Koyuturk AE, Malkoc S. Orthodontic extrusion of subgingivally fractured incisor before restoration. A case report: 3-years follow-up. Dental Traumatology, 2005, 21:174-8.
26- Malkoc S, Demir A, Sengun A, Ozer F. The effect on shear bond strength of different antimicrobial agents after acid etching. European Journal of Orthodontics, 2005, 27:484-8.
27- Malkoc S, Sari Z, Usumez S, Koyuturk AE. The effect of head rotation on cephalometric radiographs. European Journal of Orthodontics, 2005, 27:315-21.
28- Malkoc S, Usumez S, Nur M, Donaghy CE. Reproducibility of airway dimensions and tongue and hyoid positions on lateral cephalograms. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics, 2005, 128:513-6.
29- Ozer F, Sengun A, Ozturk B, Say EC, Tagami J. Effect of tooth age on microtensile bond strength of two fluoride-relesing agents. Journal of Adhesive Dentistry, 2005, 7:289-295.
30- Öztürk N, Üşümez A, Üşümez S, Öztürk B. Degree of conversion and surface hardness of resin cement cured with different curing units. Quintessence International, 2005, 36:771-7.
31- Polat O, Karaman AI, Durmus E. Effects of preoperative ibuprofen and naproxen sodium on orthodontic pain. Angle Orthodontics, 2005, 75:791-6.
32- Polat O, Karaman AI. Pain control during fixed orthodontic appliance therapy. Angle Orthodontics, 2005, 75:214-9.
33- Polat O, Uysal T, Karaman AI. Effects of a chlorhexidine varnish on shear bond strength in indirect bonding. Angle Orthodontics, 2005, 75:1036-40.
34- Sari Z, Uysal T, Karaman AI, Sargin N, Ure O. Does orthodontic treatment affect patients’ and parents’ anxiety levels? European Journal of Orthodontics, 2005, 27:155-9.
35- Sengun A, Koyuturk AE, Sener Y, Ozer F. Effect of desentizers on the bond strength of a self-etching adhesive system to caries-affected dentin on the gingival wall. Operative Dentistry, 2005, 30:430-435.
36- Sengun A, Unlu N, Ozturk B, Ozer F. Microtensile bond strength of two resin compozite materials placed with direct and indirect techniques under simulated pulpal pressure. Journal of Adhesive Dentistry, 2005, 7:197-202.
37- Sevimay M, Turhan F, Kilicarslan MA, Eskitascioglu G. Three-dimensional finite element analysis of the effect of different bone quality on stress distribution in an implant-supported crown. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 2005, 93:227-34.
38- Sevimay M, Usumez A, Eskitascioglu G. The influence of various occlusal materials on stresses transferred to implant-supported prostheses and supporting bone: a three-dimensional finite-element study. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, 2005, 73:140-7.
39- Usumez A, Ozturk N, Ozturk B. Two-year color changes of light-cured composites: influence of different light-curing units. Operative Dentistry, 2005, 30:655-60.
40- Usumez S, Buyukyilmaz T, Karaman AI, Gunduz B. Degree of conversion of two lingual retainer adhesives cured with different light sources. European Journal of Orthodontics, 2005, 27:173-9.
41- Usumez S, Orhan M, Uysal T. Effect of cervical headgear wear on dynamic measurement of head position. European Journal of Orthodontics, 2005, 27:437-42.
42- Uysal T, Eldeniz AU, Usumez S, Usumez A. Thermal changes in the pulp chamber during different adhesive clean-up procedures. Angle Orthodontics, 2005, 75:220-5.
43- Uysal T, Malkoc S. Submentovertex cephalometric norms in Turkish adults. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics, 2005, 128:724-30.
44- Uysal T, Memili B, Usumez S, Sari Z. Dental and alveolar arch widths in normal occlusion, class II division 1 and class II division 2. Angle Orthodontics, 2005, 75:941-7.
45- Uysal T, Sari Z, Basciftci FA, Memili B. Intermaxillary tooth size discrepancy and malocclusion: is there a relation? Angle Orthodontics, 2005, 75:208-13.
46- Uysal T, Sari Z. Posteroanterior cephalometric norms in Turkish adults. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics, 2005, 127:324-32.
47- Uysal T, Sari Z. Intermaxillary tooth size discrepancy and mesiodistal crown dimensions for a Turkish population. American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics, 2005, 128:226-30.
48- Uysal T, Usumez S, Memili B, Sari Z. Dental and alveolar arch widths in normal occlusion and Class III malocclusion. Angle Orthodontics, 2005, 75:809-13.

49- Yaşar F, Akgünlü F. Fractal dimension and lacunarity analysis of dental radiographs. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology, 2005, 34:261-267.

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